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Procedure : 2011/2870(RSP)
Document stages in plenary
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Texts tabled :


Debates :

PV 16/11/2011 - 11
CRE 16/11/2011 - 11

Votes :

PV 17/11/2011 - 6.4
CRE 17/11/2011 - 6.4

Texts adopted :


Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 17 November 2011 - Strasbourg OJ edition

6.4. EU-US summit of 28 November 2011 (B7-0577/2011) (vote)

Before the vote:


  Elmar Brok (PPE).(DE) Mr President, I must admit that I have made a mistake. I would like to recommend that my group should vote in favour of Amendment 1.


Before the vote on paragraph 22:


  Sarah Ludford (ALDE). – Mr President, it is an amendment that reflects the facts really because it is worded, when you have it in your voting list: ‘Notes the Commission’s announcement of the conclusion of the negotiations of an EU-US PNR agreement which will be scrutinised by the European Parliament in the light of its requirements set out in its resolutions of 5 May 2010 and 11 November 2010’.

It was felt that the original wording here was simply out of date because the Commission has announced the conclusion of the negotiations. I hope all Groups can agree that this is merely a factually accurate statement of the position we are in.


(The oral amendment was approved)

After the vote on Amendment 4:


  Elmar Brok (PPE).(DE) Mr President, my colleagues in the various committees have come up with a number of very valuable proposals in their preparations for the US Summit and this resolution. Unfortunately, however, because of the scope of the resolution, not all of them could be included. Nonetheless, as Chair of the US Delegation, I would like, with your permission, to include these in our work with the US Delegation, and would therefore ask that the following oral amendment should be added:

‘Takes into account the concrete proposals of different European Parliament committees and asks the European Parliament delegation, the TLD, to make use of their input’.


(The oral amendment was approved)

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