01-03-2021 10:00
Decarbonising European industry: hydrogen and other solutions (online event)

Image idea is “Lets reduce the CO2 emissions”. It shows a blurred man figure pointing finger at green hexagon, which has CO2 sign topped with downwards arrow inside
Decarbonising European industry © Stock.adobe.com

This event will discuss in depth new and emerging possibilities for closing the carbon cycle through substitution of fossil fuels, especially with reference to carbon-intensive industries, exploring as well the need for further research in the different areas. It will feature two keynote speeches that will address the regional dimension and the perspective of the European Commission for the decarbonisation of European industry. Various experts will analyse the economic feasibility of different options for substituting fossil fuels and for reducing carbon emissions in the steel industry, as well as the possibility of using the existing gas infrastructure for transporting hydrogen. Representatives of the industry, environmental organisations, workers' unions and academia will make brief interventions to start the subsequent discussions. With this event, STOA aims to contribute to the political debate deriving from new scientific and technological developments. Based on the specific findings, the event will also serve to explore policy options for contributing to the transition to a carbon-neutral EU economy by 2050.


10:00-10:10 WELCOME

Tiemo WÖLKEN, MEP and STOA Panel Member

Patrizia TOIA, MEP and STOA Panel Member

10:10-10:25 KEYNOTE SPEECH: The regional dimension of decarbonising European industry through clean hydrogen

Birgit HONÉ, Rapporteur for the European Committee of the Regions' opinion on clean hydrogen, Minister of Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development of Lower Saxony, Germany

10:25-10:40 KEYNOTE SPEECH: Hydrogen as a key technology to reach climate neutrality in 2050

Sarah NELEN, Deputy Head of Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans at European Commission

10:40-11:30 SESSION 1: Close the carbon cycle through substitution of fossil fuels

10:40-11:00 Presentation by Professor Gabriele CENTI, President of ERIC aisbl (European Research Institute of Catalysis), INSTM and University Messina

11:00-11:05 Statement by Carl DE MARÉ, Arcelor Mittal - VP, Head of Technology Strategy

11:05-11:10 Statement by Imke LÜBBEKE, Head of Climate and Energy WWF European Policy Office

11:10-11:30 Q&A session

Chair: Patrizia TOIA

11:30-11:35 Announcement: launching of the STOA study 'The potential of hydrogen for decarbonising EU industry'


11:35-12:25 SESSION 2: Carbon-free steel: Cost reduction options and usage of existing gas infrastructure

11:35-11:55 Presentation by Frank MEINKE-HUBENY, VITO/Energyville

11:55-12:00 Statement by Heiko REESE, IG Metall

12:00-12:05 Statement by Professor Carlo MAPELLI, Politecnico di Milano

12:05-12:25 Q&A session

Chair: Tiemo WÖLKEN


Tiemo WÖLKEN, MEP and STOA Panel Member

Patrizia TOIA, MEP and STOA Panel Member

Interpretation: EN, DE, IT.