
Terminology Coordination Unit European Parliament Traineeships Banner

TermCoord offers one traineeship in the field of Terminology and another in the field of Communication.

As a Terminology trainee you will learn how to work in the EU's terminology management system, IATE, and how to create/export termbases for use by translators. You will learn how to extract terminology from EU texts, to research these terms and to prepare terminology projects.

You will take part in training courses and presentations and in the coordination of projects for translation trainees in the 24 EU Languages. You will also participate in our cooperation with universities in the framework of the project "Terminology without Borders".

As a Communications trainee you will have the opportunity to work on our internal and external websites (web editing, website statistics, website maintenance, SEO, etc.) and to write and publish articles.

For more information, visit the Schuman traineeships page and apply to join our team.