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Regulation on detergents and surfactants

Накратко 21-02-2024

On 28 April 2023, the Commission made a proposal to update the EU framework on detergents and surfactants. During its February II plenary session, the European Parliament is due to vote on the report adopted on 14 February 2024 by its Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI).

This briefing follows up the commitments made by the commissioner since 2019.

The workshop explored the different ways to tackle environmental criminality in developing countries. Bringing together a wide range of international experts as well as local representatives from developing countries, the workshop sought to identify existing gaps in policy and legal responses, and generate debates about how the identified gaps can be filled. The first panel focused on the prevention and the fight against environmental crimes in developing countries. In doing so, it drew on lessons ...

Trade and biodiversity

Задълбочен анализ 05-06-2020

International trade has a direct impact on EU biodiversity, imported invasive species and pathogens, being an example. Trade also impacts global biodiversity, for instance through the 'virtual' water, land, and deforestation contained in EU imports. Economic theory shows that trade with countries that fail to protect a renewable resource can be detrimental for all. Protecting global biodiversity calls for a variety of instruments, at the EU border as well as in the provisions of preferential agreements ...

Environmental liability of companies

Проучване 15-05-2020

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, aims at gaining deeper insights into the environmental liability of companies in the European Union. It analyses the role of companies within the Environmental Liability Directive (ELD) and pays attention to potential hurdles that may limit the possibility to hold companies liable for environmental harm. Various remedies to the limited liability of the corporation are discussed ...

The study examines the evolution of technologies in the offshore exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the Eastern Mediterranean, and their future environmental impact for the region. It finds that new technologies move this stage of natural gas development into increasing digitalisation, better designs for safety equipment, and increased automation. It then proceeds to propose a number of policy measures on collaboration, data sharing, environmental bassline surveys, open digital platforms ...


Информационни фишове за ЕC 01-11-2017

Законодателството на ЕС в областта на химикалите има за цел да защити човешкото здраве и околната среда и да предотврати издигането на бариери пред търговията. То се състои от правила, които уреждат пускането на пазара и употребата на определени категории химически продукти, пакет от хармонизирани ограничения относно пускането на пазара и употребата на конкретни опасни вещества и препарати, и правила в случай на големи аварии и износ на опасни вещества. Най-голямото постижение на равнището на ЕС ...

Директивите и регламентите на ЕС значително подобриха стандартите по безопасност на морския транспорт през последните няколко години. Подобренията настъпиха по-специално във връзка с трите законодателни пакета, приети след злополуките с „Ерика“ и „Престиж“.

Опазване и управление на водите

Информационни фишове за ЕC 01-11-2017

Водата е от съществено значение за съществуването на хората, животните и растенията и е незаменима суровина за икономиката. опазването и управлението на водите надхвърлят националните граници. Законодателството на ЕС в областта на водите беше изменено с приемането през 2000 г. на Рамковата директива за водите (РДВ), с която се въвежда цялостен подход за управление на повърхностните и подземните води въз основа на речните басейни. РДВ се допълва от международни споразумения и законодателни актове ...

EU response to the Caribbean hurricanes

Накратко 20-09-2017

The scenes of devastation caused by recent hurricanes in the Caribbean are a stark reminder of the destructive force of nature. As residents struggle to rebuild their lives following the passage of the latest storms, attention turns to the relief efforts. The EU can help through emergency humanitarian assistance and a variety of funding mechanisms, depending on the status of the territories concerned and their relationship with the EU.