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The increase of severe food insecurity is a major point of concern. At the request of the Parliament’s Development committee, two briefings were prepared to explore the role of food security and nutrition as basic interventions in development policies. By drawing on a series of ‘stories from the field’, the first briefing showed the importance of focusing on supporting local food systems, while incorporating a household-centric view of crop diversification and resilience. The second briefing built ...

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions post-2020

Накратко 11-04-2018

The EU aims to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 40 % below 1990 levels by 2030, to meet its international commitment under the Paris Agreement on climate change. In sectors not covered by the EU emission trading system (EU ETS), this reduction effort is shared between the EU Member States. In the land use and forestry sector, each Member State should balance emissions and removals. During its April plenary session, Parliament is due to vote on proposed regulations on post-2020 effort ...

This study resulted in the identification of four main future opportunities and concerns regarding precision agriculture (PA), or precision farming, in the EU, on which the European Parliament could take anticipatory action now: 1.  PA can actively contribute to food security and safety; 2.  PA supports sustainable farming; 3.  PA will trigger societal changes along with its uptake; 4.  PA requires new skills to be learned. The wide diversity of agriculture throughout the EU, regarding particularly ...

The EU and the USA are currently negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), an agreement which could have major consequences for trade in agricultural products. In a document explaining the EU's TTIP proposal on agriculture, the European Commission said that it is aimed at increasing EU-US imports and exports by reducing tariffs and non-tariff protection, while respecting the individual agricultural models and standards of the EU and USA. This infographic gives an overview ...

This is the reference document of the Workshop on the "Effects of the structural changes on EU farming: How to better support the European model of agriculture of the 21st century with the CAP" of 14th March 2016, organised by the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (COMAGRI) and the Policy Department B (AGRI Research) of the European Parliament .It is structured in three parts: 1. Farm structural change in Western Europe and the CAP. 2. Farm structural change in Central and Eastern ...

With the main stated objectives of the CAP in mind, relevant comparisons that involve the incomes of farmers are made. EU official data sources are used to describe income differences between holdings of different sizes and types and between Member States. Comparisons between the incomes of farmer household and other groups in society have to rely on ad hoc information. Recommendations relate to the support of small farms, actions to mitigate instability and to fill the important gap in farm household ...

Food Security in a Just Food System

Задълбочен анализ 08-11-2013

Hundreds of millions of people live in food insecurity, lacking nutritious food and the means to develop their resilience to natural and man-made disasters and shocks. Obstacles to improving the situation are numerous and include climate change and resource scarcity, poor regulations and rights-based considerations, insufficient human and technical capacities and training. Nevertheless, it is possible to produce enough food for all and to build a more sustainable and just food system. For this to ...

Land Degradation and Desertification

Проучване 13-03-2009

Executive summary This report sets out to provide an integrated picture of land degradation issues and actions within the EU. Findings from literature, academic research and policy analysis are brought together within this study, in order to explain: the extent of degradation to date in Europe and globally; the drivers and pressures leading to this; the impacts of degradation both directly upon the land and indirectly in relation to inter alia water resources, climate change, food production, biodiversity ...