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This study examines the existing (and planned) instances of enhanced cooperation (EnC), their institutional set up and state of play. Our analysis is at this point of time limited to the one EnC case with sufficient implementation record (EnC in divorce law, applied for more than six years to date). The remaining cases either began very recently (PESCO in late 2017); are in the preparatory stages (EPPO); are set to start in the near future (2019 for EnC in property regime rules); have not as yet ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, examines – against a historical backdrop – the legal provisions governing Enhanced Cooperation as well as the so far very limited number of implemented Enhanced Cooperation initiatives. Based on these insights, concrete ideas are formulated on how to optimise this ‘standardised and generalised framework’ of differentiated ...

Договорите от Маастрихт и Амстердам

Информационни фишове за ЕC 01-04-2017

Договорът от Маастрихт измени предишните европейски договори и създаде Европейски съюз, основан на три стълба: европейските общности, общата външна политика и политика на сигурност (ОВППС) и сътрудничеството в областта на правосъдието и вътрешните работи (ПВР). С оглед разширяването на Съюза договорът от Амстердам въведе промените, необходими за по-ефективното и демократично функциониране на Съюза.

Trends in Differentiation of EU Law and Lessons for the Future

Задълбочен анализ 15-01-2015

This analysis examines the development of differentiated integration connected to the EU legal order, and raises questions for the future.

Legislatures in some EU Member States (MS) have introduced special, simplified and accelerated tracks for small claims in legally uncomplicated cases. Those procedures vary both as regards the threshold and level of simplification. The Treaty of Amsterdam gave the EU powers to harmonise civil procedure. As part of that mandate, the EU has adopted a number of coordination instruments (regulating conflicts of jurisdiction and mutual recognition) and created two autonomous EU civil procedures, including ...

Internalisation of External Effects in Environmental Policy

Задълбочен анализ 01-12-2003

The damage to the economy and the environment caused by external effects is estimated at about 4% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is reason enough for the European Commission to propose instruments for the internalisation of external effects. This working document shows the economic basis for this policy and describes how it can be introduced in practice, followed by some recommendations. This paper is intended to help readers without an economic background to understand how people in ...

This report deals with the changes to the Maastricht Treaty brought about by the Amsterdam Treaty on justice and home affairs issues and the new provisions in the TEU and TEC.

Fundamental Rights - Access to the Courts

Задълбочен анализ 14-01-2000

The aim of this report is to provide the reader with a clear overview of the most recent developments in the European Union with regard to human rights.

Freedom, Security, Justice: An Agenda for Europe

Проучване 15-09-1999

A report of the conference organised by Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties attended by the European Parliament, national parliaments, the Council, the Commission, the Court of Justice, the European Ombudsman and representatives of NGOs and international organisations, on the topic of implementing the area of freedom, security and justice laid down in the Amsterdam Treaty.

Treaties and Conventions on Women's Rights

Проучване 01-07-1999

The aim of this study is firstly to examine the European or international treaties and conventions currently in force and the European recommendations, resolutions and directives adopted and addressed to the Member States of the European Union.