Nuclear energy in the European Union
According to Article 194(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, each Member State independently decides on its own energy mix and use of nuclear energy. However, there are common rules and standards on nuclear energy, the basis for which is the Treaty on the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom Treaty) signed in 1957. All current EU Member States are party to it and it has remained largely unchanged throughout the years. Common EU rules also stem from the Nuclear Safety Directive ...
EU Taxonomy: Complementary delegated act covering nuclear and gas
This briefing has been prepared to support the parliamentary scrutiny of the delegated act (DA) amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139 (‘Climate delegated act’) as regards economic activities in certain energy sectors and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178 (‘Disclosure delegated act’) as regards specific public disclosures for those economic activities. In accordance with the empowerments set out in Articles 10(3) and 11(3) of the Taxonomy Regulation , the Commission shall adopt a DA to establish ...
Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - September 2021
The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.
Climate action in Finland: Latest state of play
The EU's binding climate and energy legislation for 2030 requires Member States to adopt national energy and climate plans (NECPs) for the 2021-2030 period. In October 2020, the European Commission published an assessment for each NECP. Finland's final NECP is from December 2019. A high proportion of Finns (61 %) expect national governments to tackle climate change. Finland generates 1.5 % of the EU's total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and has reduced emissions at a faster pace than the EU average ...
Climate action in France: Latest state of play
The EU's binding climate and energy legislation for 2030 requires Member States to adopt national energy and climate plans (NECPs) for the 2021-2030 period. In October 2020, the European Commission published an assessment for each NECP. France submitted its final NECP in April 2020. In 2019, France accounted for 459 million tonnes of CO2-equivalent (MtCO2e) in total emissions excluding land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) and including international aviation, generating 12 % of the EU- ...
How the EU budget is spent: Euratom research and training programme
The Euratom research and training programme is an important tool that implements the European Union's nuclear policy. Its main aim is to enhance the role of the European Union as a global leader in nuclear research, while efficiently managing its nuclear market.
The Global Action Climate Summit (GCAS), San Francisco, 12-14 September 2018
The briefing is for the ENVI Committee delegation to the 2018 Global Climate Action Summit, which will take place in San Francisco from the 12th until the 14th of September. The Summit will enable a range of different stakeholders (i.e. state and local governments, business and citizens) to publicize the climate actions currently being implemented ‘on the ground’ to help inspire further efforts to support and build upon the commitments pledged in the Paris Agreement.
This study provided by Policy Department A at the request of the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) shows that the energy-system related impact of Brexit on EU citizens and companies will be limited. The EU will be able to complete its market, achieve its climate and energy targets and maintain supply security. It appears likely (although not guaranteed) that the UK will continue to maintain sensible environmental policies and safeguard the rights of EU companies ...
Implementing the Aarhus Convention: Access to justice in environmental matters
The Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters is an international agreement that gives the public a number of rights with regard to the environment. It consists of three pillars, one of them covering the right of access to justice in cases of non-compliance with environmental law. Implementation of the convention's provisions on access to justice have been the focus of two recent documents, one published by the ...
European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) - Structures and tools
Euratom was created in 1957 to further European integration and tackle energy shortages through the peaceful use of nuclear power. It has the same members as the European Union and is governed by the Commission and Council, operating under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice. Euratom regulates the European civil nuclear industry, which produces almost 30 % of energy in the EU. Euratom's work safeguards nuclear materials and technology, facilitates investment, research and development ...