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The African Union's blue strategy

Ve stručnosti 14-03-2019

Harnessing ocean resources in a sustainable manner is the 'new frontier of the African renaissance', according to the African Union. To this end, the African Union has designed an ambitious maritime strategy aimed at restoring ocean health, reinstating security at sea, and strengthening strategic 'blue growth' sectors. The EU is supporting this strategy, which is in line with the main aspects of its own approach to the Africa-EU partnership.

A maritime strategy for Africa

Ve stručnosti 13-07-2017

Harnessing the oceans' resources in a sustainable manner is the 'new frontier of the African renaissance', according to the African Union (AU). This 'blue growth' will only materialise if the oceans' health and security at sea are restored. For this purpose, the AU has designed an ambitious maritime strategy, but disagreements among the African states are hampering its realisation. The EU could support this strategy, provided cooperation goes beyond security and migration aspects.

This study presents an overview of Blue Growth emerging industries and investigates the linkages with the traditional maritime activity of fisheries with emphasis on small-scale fisheries. Positive synergies are investigated as well as possible opportunities (and threats) that Blue Growth can or should offer to small-scale fisheries and coastal communities in the context of economic growth, employment and innovation.

In June 2015, a UN resolution launched the development of a legally binding international instrument expected to break new ground in the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction. Fisheries aspects to be considered in this future agreement are discussed in a European Parliament report.

As a result of the structure of international law some 64 % of the world’s oceans lies beyond the national jurisdiction of coastal States. Over recent years growing concerns within the international community over the adequacy of the existing legal framework for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction have led to discussions under the auspices of the United Nations General Assembly on the possible development of a new international legal instrument ...

Maritime spatial planning

Ve stručnosti 05-12-2013

Some EU Member States (MS) have introduced a maritime spatial planning (MSP) process to manage the activities taking place within their seas and coastal areas. Increased activities at sea are expected to contribute to economic growth and innovation. The European Commission has proposed a Directive that would oblige MS to make such plans and coordinate them with other MS.

Global Fisheries Subsidies

Studie 09-10-2013

The aim of this briefing note is to provide an analysis of the current state of fisheries subsidies worldwide. We review previous investigations and discussion of subsidies issues, including the debates at the World Trade Organization, give a brief overview of the impact of subsidies on key economic, social and environmental aspects of the fisheries sector, and discuss the updated estimates of global fisheries subsidies presented here. We present the various types of subsidies proposed in the literature ...

Blue growth

Ve stručnosti 27-06-2013

In September 2012, the European Commission (EC) adopted a Communication on blue growth which aims to develop the potential of the EU's seas, oceans and coasts to create employment and promote innovation and sustainable growth. A wide variety of marine and maritime economic activities fall within the sphere of this initiative, with five specific sectors identified by the EC as potential drivers of blue growth and, as such, future targets for particular support measures.

Cooperation in semi-enclosed seas is a mandate for States that are party to UNCLOS. There is a long tradition of regional cooperation in these waters with what can be considered to be pioneering instruments. At the same time, the complex political, social and economic circumstances are one of the difficulties for reaching a consensus in regional governance. This document investigates the issues that have a bearing on regional cooperation and the possibility of using bilateralism-based mechanisms. ...

This study analyses the management tools for fishery management in the Mediterranean proposed by the amendment of the Parliament and their pro's and con's. Management tools currently available are discussed to learn lessons and consider possible drawbacks. Conclusions show that future policies should consider specific strategies for each fishing area and gear, by drawing specific management plans depending on whether resources are shared or not shared.