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During its January plenary session, Parliament will debate and vote on three own-initiative reports on the common fisheries policy (CFP), taking stock 10 years after the last fisheries policy reform and responding to the Commission's evaluation of the policy. The reports will help shape the debate on the future of the CFP.

The EU wine sector

Briefing 05-07-2023

The European Union is the world's largest producer, consumer and exporter of wine. It accounts for half of the world's production, with three quarters of EU wine produced in Spain, France and Italy. The EU had 2.2 million vineyard holdings in 2020, varying in size from an average of 0.2 hectares in Romania to 10.5 hectares in France. The EU also accounted for 48 % of global wine consumption in 2021, with the largest overall consumption recorded in France, Italy and Germany. Globally, only the United ...

As part of the work on the EU's 2021-2027 budget, the European Commission proposed a set of regulations with the aim of reshaping and modernising the EU's common agricultural policy (CAP). Put forward on 1 June 2018, the 'CAP reform package' was finally adopted in December 2021. One of these regulations, the Amending Regulation, introduces changes to rules governing the common market organisation (CMO) in agricultural products (including the rules on wine), the EU quality schemes (geographical indications ...

In June 2018, the European Commission presented a legislative package aimed at reforming the common agricultural policy (CAP), including some of the rules on the common market organisation (CMO) in agricultural products. Following long negotiations, the text finally agreed by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU in June 2021 is scheduled for a vote during the November II plenary session.

The marketing standards for fishery and aquaculture products are covered by the Common Market Organisation (CMO) Regulation (regulation 1379/2013), one of the pillars of EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The marketing standards for FAPs have remained unchanged for more than 20 years and in 2018 they were submitted to an evaluation process by the European Commission. The expected outcome is the release of a new legislative proposal by the first half of 2021, in line with the European Commission's ...

EU trade policy review

Ve stručnosti 22-12-2020

In June 2020, the European Commission launched an EU trade policy review that will lead to a revised strategy to be adopted early in 2021. The aim is to set a new course for trade policy in a changing global context, aligned with EU priorities and supporting recovery from the coronavirus crisis. Parliament has contributed to the process with a resolution on 26 November 2020, and will continue monitoring implementation of the new policy in 2021.

CAP transitional rules for 2021 and 2022

Ve stručnosti 10-12-2020

The lengthy negotiations on the EU budget and farm policy post-2020 convinced the European Commission to put forward rules in 2019 to ensure continuity of EU support for farmers and rural areas. The European Parliament is set to debate and vote on these transitional rules, extending current EU farm policy until the new common agricultural policy framework is in place (i.e. until the end of 2022), during the December plenary session.

CAP amending regulation (CMO)

Ve stručnosti 14-10-2020

The 'amending regulation' is part of a set of three legislative proposals presented by the European Commission with the aim of reshaping and modernising the EU's common agricultural policy (CAP) for 2021 to 2027. It introduces changes to five regulations, including regarding the single common market organisation (CMO). Based on the work of the European Parliament's Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) during the previous legislative term, Parliament is expected to debate the framework ...

CAP strategic plans

Ve stručnosti 14-10-2020

The European Commission adopted three legislative proposals on the future of the common agricultural policy (CAP) on 1 June 2018. One of the three proposals includes a regulation on CAP strategic plans. While the CAP retains its two-pillar structure, (Pillar I, agricultural income and market support, Pillar II rural development), interventions under both will be combined in one strategic plan for all CAP expenditure. Each Member State will be required to develop a strategic plan, setting out their ...

Financial management of the future CAP

Ve stručnosti 14-10-2020

In the context of the future EU multiannual budget, the European Commission put forward a proposal on the financing, management and monitoring of EU farm policy on 1 June 2018, as part of a CAP reform package of three legislative proposals. Since then, discussions have highlighted the need to maintain at least the current level of agricultural expenditure, as well as to simplify the procedures while adapting them to the future CAP delivery model. The CAP proposals are scheduled for debate and vote ...