New civil aviation safety rules
Flying remains one of the safest forms of transport, and the EU's accident rate is lower than in the rest of the world. However, it cannot automatically be assumed that such performance will continue, as global air traffic is forecast to double over the next 20 years. New technologies, such as unmanned aircraft (drones), are also appearing in European skies, which require adaption of the current regulatory framework. In December 2015, the European Commission proposed to update aviation safety rules ...
New civil aviation safety rules
Flying remains one of the safest forms of transport, and the EU's accident rate is lower than in the rest of the world. However, it cannot automatically be assumed that such performance will continue, as global air traffic is forecast to double over the next 20 years. New technologies, such as unmanned aircraft (drones), are also appearing in European skies, which require adaption of the current regulatory framework. In December 2015, the European Commission proposed to update aviation safety rules ...
Recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation
To enhance labour mobility, the European Commission proposed in 2016 to establish a common system of qualifications for workers on EU inland waterways, based on their competence. While the previous EU legislation applied only to boatmasters, the proposal introduced harmonised rules for all deck crew members and extended the scope of legislation to the previously excluded River Rhine. After interinstitutional negotiations concluded on 27 June 2017, the European Parliament adopted the agreed text on ...
Recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation
While inland navigation is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly mode of transport, it is not used to its full capacity. Apart from the need for significant infrastructure improvements, the sector is affected by limited labour mobility and shortage of qualified workers. To enhance labour mobility, the European Commission proposed to establish a common system of qualifications for workers on EU inland waterways, based on their competence. While the EU legislation currently applies only to ...
Professional qualifications in inland navigation
As part of its efforts to reduce transport emissions, the EU wants to make better use of inland navigation. This requires addressing the limited labour mobility and shortage of qualified workers in the sector. The proposed directive seeks to establish one competence-based system of qualifications for workers on all EU inland waterways. Ultimately, the new rules aim to make jobs in inland navigation more attractive. Parliament is due to vote on the proposal in plenary in November.
Námořní doprava: pravidla pro dopravu a bezpečnost
Bezpečnostní normy v oblasti námořní dopravy byly během minulých let významně zdokonaleny řadou směrnic a nařízení EU. Tato zlepšení přinesly zejména tři legislativní balíčky, které byly přijaty po haváriích ropných tankerů Erika a Prestige.
Safety rules and standards for passenger ships
After a review of the EU legislation on passenger ship safety, the European Commission proposed a number of changes to simplify the existing rules and cut administrative costs, while making sea travel safer. This proposed directive clarifies technical requirements for construction, stability and fire protection of vessels travelling on domestic routes. The newly defined standards should provide for uniform national interpretations and make the rules easier to update, monitor and enforce.
Inspections of ro-ro ferries and high-speed passenger craft
Passenger ships operating intensively need to be inspected at regular, frequent intervals. The European Commission reviewed the related EU rules and proposed changes to rationalise the different existing inspection regimes. This proposal is part of an initiative to modernise EU passenger safety legislation and reduce administrative burden while maintaining a high level of maritime safety.
Námořní doprava: strategický přístup
Evropská právní úprava námořní dopravy se zaměřuje na uplatňování zásady volného pohybu služeb a na správné provádění pravidel hospodářské soutěže a zároveň zajišťuje vysokou úroveň bezpečnosti, dobré pracovní podmínky a normy v oblasti ochrany životního prostředí.
New civil aviation safety rules
Despite some recent high-profile disasters, flying remains one of the safest forms of transport and the EU's accident rate is lower than in the rest of the world. However, it cannot automatically be assumed that such performance will continue, as global air traffic is forecast to double over the next 20 years. In addition, new technologies, such as unmanned aircraft (drones), are also appearing in European skies, which require adaption of the current regulatory framework. In December 2015, the European ...