Fit for 55 package: Reducing methane emissions in the energy sector

Briefing 14-06-2022

The IA clearly identifies the problem that needs to be addressed and details the problem drivers. Furthermore, the IA discusses the evolution of the problem if the EU were to take no action. The IA relates the objectives with the problem/problem drivers in a supported manner. The options for the different policy areas to tackle appear to be sufficient and justified against the objectives. The assessment of the options retained for their economic, environmental and social impacts is thorough, but could have benefited from the availability of more complete data, and from the application of the Better Regulation Guidelines in assessing impacts on SMEs and on competitiveness. The indicators for monitoring and evaluating the success of the initiative are supported by existing frameworks and can be considered to be sufficient and effective. Consultation of interested parties occurred through an open public consultation and three stakeholder meetings, the findings of which are in line with the preferred options in the IA. The analysis performed in the IA seems to be well supported, and the comments from the RSB were addressed. In conclusion, the IA and the proposal are consistent.