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Barriers to accessing culture

Oversigt 06-06-2018

Culture as a means of expression and identity plays an important role for a coherent and tolerant society, and for creative and talented individuals to thrive. The European Union has a rich and diverse culture but not all its citizens actively participate in it, either as 'consumers' or as amateur artists. During its June session the European Parliament is expected to discuss an own-initiative report analysing the reasons for this situation.

Cultural and educational policies can contribute to the development of skills needed to cope with the complexity of contemporary multicultural societies, and to qualify for jobs in the fast-growing creative and cultural industries. This is supported by research on learning processes and the impact of art and cultural education. Both Unesco and the OECD have called for a proper place for, and recognition of, art and culture in education. In the EU, competence for culture and education policies lies ...


EU-faktablade 01-02-2017

EU's indsats på kulturområdet supplerer medlemsstaternes kulturpolitik på flere områder, f.eks. med hensyn til beskyttelse af den europæiske kulturarv, samarbejde mellem kulturinstitutioner i forskellige lande eller fremme af mobiliteten for kreative personer. Kultursektoren er også omfattet af bestemmelser i traktaterne, som ikke eksplicit omfatter kultur.

EU sport policy: An overview

Indgående analyse 03-09-2015

Sport is a field in which the EU's responsibilities are new. The Lisbon Treaty, which entered into force in December 2009, grants the Union a supporting competence, meaning that legally binding measures are excluded. EU scope for intervention is further limited by the need to take the specific nature of sport into account and to respect the autonomy of sport organisations, which are traditionally in charge of regulating and organising their sport. In policy-making, the EU thus relies on soft power ...

Denne undersøgelse er svar på Europa-Parlamentets anmodning om en omfattende vurdering af langtidsvirkningerne af at have værtskabet for kulturhovedstadsprogrammet. Undersøgelsens hovedformål er at undersøge den store mængde af offentliggjort materiale om kulturhovedstadsværtskabet med det formål at identificere de mest udbredte strategier, der giver succes, undersøge dokumentationen for indvirkninger og effekter på lang sigt fra et kulturelt, økonomisk, socialt og politisk synspunkt og forstå de ...

EU's politikker bevæger sig hen mod en bredere forståelse af kultur som et værktøj, der bidrager til revitalisering af byområder, deres tiltrækningskraft, iværksætterånd, innovation, beskæftigelse og bæredygtighed. Byer og regioner er på vej i samme retning. Desværre indfanger det nye forslag til samhørighedspolitikken 2014-2020 kun delvist, hvor vidtrækkende kulturinvesteringerne er. Denne rapport undersøger anvendelsen af strukturfondene i perioden 2007-2013 og rådgiver om, hvordan der kan gives ...

Orphan works

Oversigt 07-09-2012

Large-scale initiatives to digitise the collections of libraries have raised the problem of rights related to "orphan works" - those for which rights-holders cannot be identified or found. The Commission has proposed a Directive which seeks to find a balance between protecting potential rights-holders and facilitating certain uses of orphan works in the internal market.

Orphan works in the digital era

Briefing 30-08-2011

Finding a solution to the issue of orphan works, those for which the copyright holder is either unknown or cannot be located, has become an important global issue with the onset of commercial and non-commercial mass digitisation projects. Several Member States, along with third countries such as Canada, have adopted measures to allow the dissemination of such works, based on the principle of licensing. At the same time, the EU has been searching for a cross-border solution. The issue has been highlighted ...

As information and communication technology revolutionise the world, fundamental questions still remain on how to ensure European citizens have appropriate access to the world’s knowledge. Plans for sustainable mass digitisation of cultural material should be welcomed, whilst ensuring that markets are competitive, the importance of information to the public interest is reflected, and that copyright law remains an effective system for balancing the needs of knowledge creators and users.

This briefing note provides a contribution to the "Workshop on Copyright - Tackling orphan works and improving access to works for visually impaired persons", which took place at the Legal Affairs Committee's meeting on 10 November 2009. Works are called orphan when rightsholders cannot be identified or located. Substantial groundwork has been done in the High Level Expert Group on Digital Libraries. Practical tools to facilitate rights clearance are implemented in projects where rightsholders and ...