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This European added value assessment seeks to support a European Parliament legislative own-initiative report on digitalisation and administrative law (2021/2161(INL)), asking the European Commission to present a legislative proposal on an EU law on administrative procedure. The study investigates the current state of play with regard to digitalisation and the use of digital tools in EU public administration. The analysis identifies five regulatory gaps and their impact on citizens and businesses ...

EU and Dutch Better Regulation agendas have converged in recent years in terms of input (impact assessment systems) and output (quantitative targets). This study presents a organisational analysis of both IA systems and comes to the conclusion that although progress has been made. However, there still is considerable work to be done in managing the interdependence of both systems in terms of methodologies and carrying out IAs between the national and EU level.

Upon request by the JURI Committee this in-depth analysis explains what general principles of EU administrative procedural law are, and how they can be formulated in the recitals of a Regulation on EU administrative procedure.

Ex-ante impact assessment (IA) represents an attempt to provide, in advance of legislating, a coherent analysis of the reasoning that lies behind, and the foreseeable effects of, any proposed measure or policy initiative. Initially launched at European Union level in 2002, an impact assessment text, often running to several hundred pages, is now routinely attached by the European Commission to every significant legislative proposal it presents.   This briefing examines the following points: 1 ...

Article 298 TFEU and the Charter of Fundamental Rights establish a right of citizens to good administration. However, the current legal framework is fragmented, patchy and uneven and the detailed provisions needed to enforce this right are lacking. This assessment argues that a Regulation constituting a general Law of Administrative Procedure would bring significant added value. ANNEXES: I- Enforcing citizens' right to good administration: time for action. II- Aspects relating to added value for ...

The aim of this study is to provide an in-depth and objective comparative analysis of legal provisions, doctrine and case-law on locus standi before civil, criminal and administrative courts of selected legal systems, and before the EU courts. This analysis serves as the basis for several recommendations in this area.

Based mainly on the reasoning and legislative proposal set out in the final report of the Swedish Inquiry on the Administrative Procedure Act, chaired by the author, this briefing note presents some approaches also relevant for the construction of an Act under Article 298 TFEU.

This note is based upon the work accomplished by the Working Group on EU Administrative Law of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament. Having been invited to consider the Working Document drafted by the Group with critical observations and conclusions, the author wishes to acknowledge the excellent quality and usefulness of the Document, which gives a very accurate description of the State of Play in matters of EU administrative procedure law and makes clear and accurate recommendations ...

This briefing note considers the concepts of good governance and legitimacy post Lisbon and the connection between these concepts and the evolution of EU Administrative Law. It provides an overview of the current EU Administrative Law landscape by drawing on the themes common to the sectoral reports: complexity, lacunae and inconsistency. It proposes some next steps for the Working Group on EU Administrative Law, including adopting a legally binding instrument containing basic administrative principles ...

This briefing note analyses all of the legislative and executive acts forming European Union Civil Service Law, together with the main characteristics of this Civil Service and its contribution to the formation of a European Union Administrative Law.