Blockchain for supply chains and international trade
This study provides an analysis of blockchain technology in the context of international trade. It analyses the potential impacts of blockchain development and applications in eight use cases for supply chains and international trade. It also provides an analysis of the current legislative framework and existing initiatives. Based on this analysis, and following a broad consultation of relevant organisations, the study identifies several challenges in international trade documentation and processes, and presents a range of policy options for the European Parliament.
Externe Autor
This study was written by Bertrand Copigneaux, Nikita Vlasov and Emarildo Bani of IDATE DigiWorld, Nikolay Tcholtchev and Philipp Lämmel of Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems, Michael Fuenfzig, Simone Snoeijenbos and Michael Flickenschild from Ecorys, and Martina Piantoni and Simona Frazzani from Grimaldi Studio Legale at the request of the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) and managed by the Scientific Foresight Unit, within the Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS) of the Secretariat of the European Parliament.
Über dieses Dokument
Art der Veröffentlichung
- Binnenmarkt und Zollunion
- Ex-ante-Folgenabschätzung
- Finanz- und Bankenangelegenheiten
- Forschungspolitik
- Industrie
- Internationaler Handel
- Internationales Privatrecht und justizielle Zusammenarbeit in Zivilsachen
- Sozialpolitik
- Umwelt
- Verbraucherschutz
- Vertrags-, Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht
- Vorausplanung
- Wirtschaft und Währung