
Ihre Ergebnisse

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Learning happens in different contexts, over the course of a lifetime, following various possible educational paths, as shown in Figure 1. In adult life, learning ranges from programmes that impart basic skills, learning groups engaged in raising awareness on various issues, mature students at university, open and distance learning, on-the-job training, courses that combine theory with practice, and classes or other learning activities taken in pursuit of a special interest. This infographic explains ...

Against a backdrop of high youth unemployment and the threat of marginalisation, the European Union (EU) Youth Strategy encourages Member States to consider young people as a resource, by developing specific actions within youth policy and by working with other areas in a cross-sectoral approach. Coordination between youth and educational policies in order to develop competencies that are sought after by labour markets, as well as entrepreneurial abilities and civic skills is a particular priority ...

In dieser Studie wird die derzeitige Nutzung freier Lehr- und Lernmaterialien (Open Educational Resources – OER) untersucht und das Potenzial dieser Ressourcen bewertet. Darüber hinaus werden – unter Berücksichtigung der Strategierahmen der Europäischen Kommission – Empfehlungen für politische Maßnahmen formuliert. Die Studie ist das Ergebnis einer neuen in zwölf Mitgliedstaaten durchgeführten Untersuchung und baut auf der Synthese mehrerer bestehender Forschungsarbeiten auf. Hierzu zählen Projekte ...

The study examines the legal, administrative and other barriers to cross-border volunteering which prevent it from achieving its full potential. Those barriers include uncertainty and the risk of forfeiting social security benefits, the unclear framework for obtaining residence permits in some host countries, the lack of clear procedures for the recognition of the skills and competences gained through volunteering, the lack of positive action and information on volunteering opportunities, and insufficient ...

The EQF is a translation grid for qualifications around Europe and at its core are eight reference levels, covering basic to most advanced qualifications. Each country is expected to classify its national qualifications into the eight EQF levels by means of its National Qualifications Framework (NQF) or the levels of its national qualifications system. The EQF is a concrete instrument to promote lifelong learning, mobility, skills and jobs of citizens throughout Europe, indispensable for achieving ...

Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) aims to generate critical understanding of development cooperation policies and efforts, and active involvement of the public in them.

In some countries around the world, pupils follow compulsory chess classes during school time. The stated aim, claimed by chess promoters, is for children to benefit from the educational merits of this game.

The Bologna process

Briefing 16-03-2010

The Bologna Process provides the general framework for the reform of European higher education in 47 countries. Its objective is to establish a European Higher Education Area by 2010. The Bologna Process particularly aims at improving the compatibility and comparability of higher education systems. Its purpose is also to increase learners' mobility and universities' attractiveness.