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The single market celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2023. Although it has generally been a success story, a number of challenges remain. For instance, there is still no EU-wide harmonisation of the technical requirements for the road circulation of non-road mobile machinery. This has a negative effect on the functioning of the single market. This sector covers a broad range of machinery fitted with the means for self-propulsion – such as combine harvesters, excavators, ride-on mowers and forklifts ...

This At a glance note summaries the study focusing on regional connectivity through an adequate transport infrastructure. The study provides an overview of the aspects of regional connectivity through adequate cohesion policy investments in rail and road transport infrastructures, mostly in the programming period 2014-2020. In detail, this analysis covers all types of transport-related investments (for goods and people) financed from the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund. Moreover ...

The PETI Committee decided to organise a fact-finding visit to Hauts-de-France (France) from 23 to 25 May 2022 concerning petition 549/2021 by Romanian Asociatia civica Voluntari in Europa on the poor safety conditions in car parks for trucks and commercial vehicles on the European road network. This briefing, written by Policy Department C, describes the general and legal background.

On 17 May 2018, the Commission adopted the proposal for a directive amending Directive 2008/96/EC on road infrastructure safety management. The revision was presented together with another legislative proposal on vehicle and pedestrian safety, and with non-legislative initiatives to promote safe mobility. The general objective of the proposal, which seeks to address the shortcomings of the existing legislation, is to reduce both road fatalities and serious injuries by improving the safety performance ...

In order to improve the EU road safety and substantially reduce road deaths, several measures were taken at the EU level. A general policy document was adopted in 2010, when the European Commission published the Road Safety Programme 2011-2020. The current revision of the road safety management procedures was triggered by the fact that the progress in the reduction of road fatalities stalled and that the existing road security measures needed to be adapted to changes in mobility resulting from societal ...

In 2010, the European Commission adopted the road safety programme, aimed at reducing road deaths in Europe by half in the following decade. Through its strategic objectives, the programme focuses on three main issues: vehicle safety, the infrastructure safety, and road users' behaviour. The initiatives undertaken within the road safety programme refer to both EU and national level. In its efforts to improve road safety, the European Union is considering new measures and activities, as well as reviewing ...

In dieser Studie werden Zustand und Qualität von Fahrbahnbelägen in der EU sowie die Tendenzen untersucht, die sich in jüngerer Zeit in den Haushalten der Mitgliedstaaten bei der Straßeninstandhaltung abzeichnen. Ziel ist es, die wirtschaftlichen und sicherheitsbezogenen Folgen zu überprüfen, die zu beklagen sind, wenn das Straßennetz nicht regelmäßig unterhalten wird. Die Verfasser gehen den wesentlichen Ursachen der ermittelten Unterschiede und den Folgen auf den Grund, die sich daraus für die ...

Electronic Toll Service and road charging

Auf einen Blick 06-06-2013

The maintenance and development of road infrastructure, allowing for smooth mobility of persons and goods, is essential for the internal market. Tolls are increasingly used but existing toll systems are often mutually incompatible, leading to delays. Moreover, public investment in inland transport has been decreasing for years.

The introduction of the electric vehicle to European industry is seen important for many reasons. It will bring new market opportunities and new jobs. At the same time it would provide better energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The development of electric vehicle industry requires considerable RTD investments, support for the creation of new markets and new business models but also changes in the mobility behaviour of both individual people and the society as a whole.

Die Förderung des Radfahrens

Studie 15-04-2010

Das vorliegende Themenpapier soll einen Überblick über die Probleme und Herausforderungen im Bereich Radverkehr vermitteln, wobei die wichtigsten städtischen Konzepte zur Förderung des Radfahrens und des Radverkehrs beschrieben werden. Es präsentiert eine Sammlung bewährter Verfahren in Sachen Straßeninfrastruktur und Abstellmöglichkeiten, Sicherheit für Radfahrer und Intermodalität. Zum Abschluss werden Empfehlungen für die EU und Kommunalbehörden gegeben.