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Since mid-November 2023, the Iran-backed Houthi militia, which controls large parts of Yemen, has attacked numerous Western commercial ships near the Bab el-Mandeb Strait in the Red Sea. In response, major shipping companies have temporarily suspended Suez transits and diverted their trade. This diversion coincides with decreasing freight in another maritime chokepoint, the Panama Canal, provoked by lowered water levels. Rounding South Africa via the Cape of Good Hope is the shortest alternative ...

Drawing on a wide array of sources and literature, this study examines the role of the European Parliament in the establishment of the European Community's environmental policy. It argues that Parliament played a key role in placing this nascent policy issue on the agenda. It influenced the definition of what the policy should include, what it should focus on, and which instruments should be used to address environmental problems. In this process, Parliament filtered ideas, issues and political objectives ...

Drawing on a wide array of sources and literature, this study examines the role of the European Parliament in the establishment of the European Community's consumer policy. It argues that Parliament played a key role in placing this nascent policy issue on the agenda. It influenced the definition of what the policy should include, what it should focus on, and which instruments should be used to address the problems facing European consumers. In this process, Parliament filtered ideas, issues and ...

Drawing on a wide array of sources and literature, this study examines the role of the European Parliament in the establishment of the European Community's social policy. It argues that Parliament played a key role in placing this nascent policy issue on the agenda. It influenced the definition of what the policy should include, what it should focus on, and which instruments should be used to address social problems. In this process, Parliament filtered ideas, issues and political objectives from ...

Beschlussfassungsverfahren auf zwischenstaatlicher Ebene

Kurzdarstellungen zur EU 26-03-2024

Das Beschlussfassungsverfahren für die Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (GASP) und einige andere Bereiche, z. B. die Verstärkte Zusammenarbeit, bestimmte Ernennungen und Überarbeitungen der Verträge, unterscheidet sich vom ordentlichen Gesetzgebungsverfahren. In diesen Bereichen ist die zwischenstaatliche Zusammenarbeit von wesentlicher Bedeutung. Durch die Herausforderungen der Staatsschuldenkrise kommen solche Beschlussfassungsverfahren verstärkt zum Einsatz, insbesondere im Rahmen der ...

Das Subsidiaritätsprinzip

Kurzdarstellungen zur EU 26-03-2024

Für die Bereiche, die nicht in die ausschließliche Zuständigkeit der Union fallen, wird mit dem im Vertrag über die Europäische Union verankerten Subsidiaritätsprinzip festgelegt, unter welchen Umständen die Union befugt ist, vor den Mitgliedstaaten tätig zu werden.

On 30 November 2022, as part of the European Green Deal, the European Commission presented the legislative proposal for a Union certification framework for carbon removals. The initiative was first announced in the March 2020 new circular economy action plan and again highlighted in the climate target plan, as well as in the 'fit for 55' revision of the Regulation on land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF), as an essential tool to drive progress towards the 2050 climate neutrality target. ...

On 15 December 2021, the Commission presented a proposal to regulate methane emissions reductions in the energy sector. The proposal is part of the second batch of proposals in the 'fit for 55' package, seeking to align EU climate and energy laws with the EU Climate Law's 2030 target. The proposal addresses gaps in the current legislation: those relating to methane emissions from upstream exploration and the production of oil and fossil gas, but also those from the gathering and processing of fossil ...

Enhancing research security

Briefing 26-03-2024

On 24 January 2024, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a Council recommendation on enhancing research security. The procedure does not require the European Parliament's involvement. Research security refers to the safeguarding of scientific activities against misuse and undue influence by third countries or non-state actors. Risks to research include the illicit transfer of knowledge or technology resulting in a threat to the EU's security or undermining its values. Competence for identifying ...

To evaluate the European Union’s (EU) policy framework towards China, this study analyses the varied facets of bilateral relations and the EU’s approach towards China, including its policy of de-risking, together with issues relating to China’s domestic politics and foreign policy. It highlights the need for the EU to adopt a coherent vision and a comprehensive and consistent long-term China strategy that can guide its future actions towards China and on the world stage. Based on its findings, it ...