CBD COP 11 : Guide to the Main Issues

In-Depth Analysis 14-09-2012

This paper provides an overview of the key issues at stake for the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 11) in Hyderabad, India, 8-19 October 2012. The paper briefly introduces the CBD and its main accomplishments. It then describes the bodies of the CBD and the primary instruments for implementation. The bulk of the paper describes and analyses the events that have taken place between the COP 10 and the COP 11. Finally, this paper addresses the negotiation positions of the major players. The key issues outlined in this paper centre on the implementation of the Biodiversity Compact agreed upon at the COP 10 and, in particular, how financing will be linked with the Aichi targets and how progress will be evaluated.