National ratification of the Own Resources Decision: Procedure completed on 31 May 2021
The Own Resources Decision (ORD) establishes how the EU budget is financed. Its entry into force requires approval by all EU Member States according to their constitutional requirements. In a majority of Member States, national parliaments are responsible for ratifying the decision. In the others, the government alone decides on the approval. Completion of the ratification procedure by all Member States has generally required more than two years. However, there was a greater sense of urgency for the ORD adopted by the Council in December 2020, since its entry into force is a pre-condition for the launch of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) recovery instrument. The objective was to complete the ratification procedure before summer 2021, with a view to ensuring the timely launch of NGEU. All Member States have now ratified the ORD, and notified the Council accordingly before the end of May. Therefore, on 1 June 2021, the new ORD entered into force, enabling the Commission to start borrowing resources for the recovery instrument. This is a further update of a Briefing of which the previous edition was published on 20 May 2021.