Spitzenkandidaten or the lead candidate process: Ways to Europeanise elections to the European Parliament
With the intention of informing discussion in the approach to the 2024 European elections, this study examines the historical, factual and legal aspects surrounding the Spitzenkandidaten, or lead candidate process, which establishes a political link between the nomination of the President of the European Commission and the political composition of the European Parliament. This study retraces the evolution of Parliament's role in the investiture of the President of the Commission, explains the reasons why such an innovation was deemed necessary as early as the early 1990s and assesses the results of this innovative process in the last two elections. The lead candidate process achieved its purposes with the election of Jean Claude Juncker as President of the European Commission in 2014, while this was not the case in 2019, Ursula von der Leyen not having been a candidate. There is therefore some uncertainty over the future of the lead candidate process and whether there is appetite for a repetition in 2024. This paper takes stock of the reasons for the failure in 2019 and assesses the aspects that performed well, and those that did not, in the past. The analysis concludes with proposals for the future, with a view to healing the fractures that emerged during the last appointment process, seeking to explore how the lead candidate process may become part of the European Union's institutional set-up.