The Impact of the Crisis on Fundamental Rights across Member States of the EU - Comparative Analysis
Upon request by the LIBE Committee, this study presents a synthesis of studies conducted in seven Member States regarding the impact of financial and economic crises, and austerity measures imposed in response thereto, on fundamental rights of individuals. The Member States studied are: Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Portugal. The impact of measures is examined in relation to the rights to: education, healthcare, work, pension, access to justice, as well as freedom of expression and assembly in all seven Member States, while a number of State-specific rights are also looked into, such as the right to housing, right to property or some rights at work. In addition, an overview is made of the mechanisms available for monitoring compliance with international human rights obligations. In view of the impacts recorded, recommendations are made for EU action to ensure respect for fundamental rights in times of austerity. The seven country studies are made available separately.
External author
Aleksandra Ivanković Tamamović (Milieu Ltd., Belgium)