16-11-2023 13:30
EPRS online roundtable: EU-Ukraine 2035, Foresight beyond the war

Policy Roundtables and Book Talks EPRS
EPRS event on 16 November
EPRS online roundtable on 16 November © AdobeStock_279703900

This event will be held fully online on EP Webex. To attend it live, no need to register, just click the below link when applicable.

This online roundtable will discuss possible futures and policy considerations for the EU and Ukraine in the 12 years to come. Timely, between the presentation of the enlargement reports of the European Commission on 8 November and the European Council of 14-15 December discussing the possible opening of accession negotiations with Ukraine.

Four areas of future EU action will be addressed:
  1. the transition from military support towards a new European security architecture;
  2. the process of EU enlargement, reconstruction and recovery of Ukraine;
  3. the development of an effective, green and sovereign European Union;
  4. continuity and review of EU relations with five countries which are key to the conflict: Russia, Belarus, Turkey, China and the US.
The debate will be based on the final report of the 'Strategic Foresight Conversation', a consultation process with more than 50 experts between June 2022 and June 2023, using foresight methodology including scenario building. To read the full report click the link below.