06-02-2025 13:30
EPRS online roundtable: Primacy of EU law: revisiting Costa v ENEL
Policy Roundtables and Book Talks

This policy roundtable will be held online on Webex. No registration needed.
On 6 February 2025 the EPRS is organising an online policy roundtable dedicated to the European Court of Justice's landmark ruling in Costa v ENEL (1964). In that decision, the ECJ proclaimed, for the first time, the principle of primacy of EU law, thereby acknowledging the coexistence of national law and Community law and providing for rules of conflict solving between the two legal orders. The event will focus on the origins and context of this landmark case, as well as the current significance of the principle of primacy in the EU legal order. The speakers will include Professor Amedeo Arena from the University of Naples, Professor Sacha Garben from the College of Europe in Bruges, María José Martínez Iglesias, former Director for Legislative Affairs in the Legal Service of the Parliament, and Rafał Mańko, policy analyst in the Citizens' Policies Unit of the Members' Research Service. The roundtable will be moderated by Micaela Del Monte, Head of the Citizens' Policies Unit.
- Watch or re-watch the event
- Programme (PDF - 269 KB)
- Speakers' biographical details (PDF - 408 KB)
EPRS briefings related to this event