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This briefing provides a summary of the recent economic developments in the EU Member States and gives an overview of relevant economic projections forecasted by major international and EU institutions. Annex 1 includes latest GDP data and forecasts for all EU Member States and Annex 2 the latest inflation data and developments.

ECON on 19 February 2025 - Paschal Donohoe is attending his seventh Economic Dialogue in the ECON Committee since being elected as President of the Eurogroup in July 2020 and the first one during the 10th parliamentary term. His previous Economic Dialogue took place on 29 June 2023. This briefing covers the following issues: latest economic developments (Section 1); the 2025 Euro Area Recommendation (Section 2); Transparency of the work of the Eurogroup (Section 3) and Completing the EMU, with a ...

Andrzej Domański, Minister of Finance of Poland, is participating in the ECON Committee in his capacity of President of the ECOFIN Council during the Polish Presidency January - June 2025). In accordance with the Treaty of the Union, “Member States shall regard their economic policies as a matter of common concern and shall coordinate them within the Council”.

This briefing paper provides an overview of the role and mandate of the Eurogroup and the role and accountability of its President, including the procedures for his/her appointment. This paper includes the following sections: 1) The role of the Permanent President of the Eurogroup; 2) The President of Eurogroup and the European Parliament; 3) The role and mandate of the Eurogroup; and 4) Eurogroup transparency. The paper will be regularly updated.

This in-depth analysis reviews the Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) that guides the implementation of the new Economic Governance Framework. It evaluates the adequacy of the methodology, with a focus on the changes introduced in the DSA to make it fit for the multi-annual character of the framework. While the DSA is not far from the state-of-art, the way the framework handles uncertainty is suboptimal. The study notes a few other areas where the analysis could be improved, namely potential output ...

Executive Vice-President Mînzatu and Commissioner Dombrovskis have been invited to an Economic Dialogue on the launch of the 2025 European Semester for economic policy coordination, in line with the relevant EU law. This briefing note covers the main elements of the 2025 European Semester Package proposed by the Commission, notably the Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure, the Joint Employment Report, the Euro Area policy recommendations and on-going work to strengthen the global competitiveness of ...

The autumn 2024 (and winter 2025) fiscal surveillance has been marked by the first implementation cycle of the reformed EU economic governance framework. It has included the assessments and the adoption of the first set of national medium-term fiscal-structural plans (see Section 3 and Annex 1 and 2 of this briefing), the assessments of the 2025 Draft Budgetary Plans of euro area Member States (see Section 4), and Council recommendations to bring an end to their excessive deficit situations and ...

This paper provides a summary of all scrutiny activities of the European Parliament related to euro area monetary policy in advance of the December 2024 Monetary Dialogue with the European Central Bank (ECB). It covers the topics chosen by the competent Committee and related expertise papers provided in advance of the Dialogue, the actual topics addressed during the Dialogue, and latest written questions made by Members to the ECB President. The document is published regularly ahead and after each ...

The three reports by Draghi, Letta and Noyer remind policy makers that capital markets channelling savings into investments is key to competitiveness and economic growth. The recommendations of these reports could give new impetus to the long-standing flagship policy of CMU. In this briefing we show how securitisation, supervision, market infrastructure and savings/pensions schemes are identified as priorities in all three reports, however with different conclusions. We also discuss all other CMU ...

Commitments made at the confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate 2024-2029