Performance and mainstreaming framework for the EU budget - Empirical evidence, analysis and recommendations
Performance-based budgeting by focusing on ‘what works’, as opposed to whether money has been properly spent, aims to improve the quality of public spending. This study examines how successful the approach has been in the EU, looking at the multi-annual financial framework and the Recovery and Resilience Facility. The study looks, in particular, at the role of the European Parliament and how it could be enhanced, drawing on lessons from use of the approach in national settings.
European Union gender budgeting – state of play 2024
The European Commission adopted the 2020-2025 Gender Equality Strategy to achieve significant progress towards gender equality across the EU by 2025. This included the introduction of the gender budgeting methodology in 2021. The methodology was applied to the budgets of 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025. The gender budgeting methodology categorises programmes using scores (2, 1, 0*, 0). However, vague criteria like ‘potential to contribute’ (score of 0*) and limited data undermine its accuracy and ...
Recent inflation developments and the EU budget: Country-specific impacts and policy options
The recent high inflation affects EU Member States differently. It is therefore important to quantify country-specific inflation impacts in regard to the implementation of the EU budget. This in-depth study focuses on country-specific inflation effects regarding research expenditures, Cohesion Policy, the Common Agricultural Policy, and NextGenerationEU. Moreover, policy options and recommendations at EU level to prevent adverse effects of future inflation shocks on the EU budget are identified and ...
Study in Focus: EU contingent financial liabilities
The original full study tracks the evolution of EU contingent liabilities. Contingent liabilities for the EU budget have grown considerably in their magnitude and complexity and will continue to increase under the MFF 2021-2027. We explain the risks they might impose on the EU budget and analyse risk management practices to address them. We forecast total contingent liabilities will more than double by 2027, reaching EUR 612 billion. This increase will be driven mainly by RRF loans and to a lesser ...
EU contingent financial liabilities
Contingent liabilities for the EU budget have grown considerably in their magnitude and their complexity and will continue to increase under the MFF 2021-2027. This paper tracks their evolution, explains the risks they might impose on the EU budget, and analyses the risk management practices to address them. We forecast total contingent liabilities will more than double by 2027, reaching EUR 612 billion. This will be driven mainly by RRF loans and, to a lesser extent, by financial support to Ukraine ...
Nomination for a Member of the European Court of Auditors: Bulgaria
This note describes the treaty provisions and appointment procedure for ECA members at EU level. In addition, it provides information on the national nomination procedure for the ECA member in Bulgaria and the country’s candidate.
This is the third edition of a study on the European Commission's follow-up to European Parliament requests as expressed in non-legislative resolutions based either on ordinary own-initiative reports (INIs) or on Article 225 TFEU legislative-initiative reports (INLs). Analysing the Commission's replies in formal follow-up documents (for INIs) and in letters in reply to legislative-initiative reports (INL), this joint DG PRES and DG EPRS project seeks to support the European Parliament's scrutiny ...
Performance-based delivery of the Recovery and Resilience Facility: Blueprint for future EU spending instruments?
The European Union (EU) is committed to ensuring its budget delivers maximum value for citizens by focusing on results and performance. In 2018, as part of the shift towards performance-based budgeting, the EU revised the rules applicable to the general budget and introduced the possibility of financing that is not linked to cost (FNLC) in addition to the traditional ways of financing based on incurred costs (Article 125 of EU Regulation 2018/1046). Under this method, payments are based on results ...
Performance-based Programmes under the post-2027 MFF
The expected shift towards a performance-oriented budget presupposes a careful choice and definition of indicators clearly linked to the funding objectives, as well as standardised reporting and fully integrated and interoperable IT solutions to collect the required amount of data. Ensuring the full protection of the Union’s financial interest under performance-based budgeting will require careful balancing of auditing and control requirements with the administrative burden imposed on Member States ...
European Public Goods and the 2028-2034 Multiannual Financial Framework
Over the past decade, the concept of European Public Goods has become central to the EU reform debate. Genuine additional public tasks for the EU will require additional competencies and revenues. Exploring revenue niches not exploited by the Member States will not suffice: In the long term, the required doubling of the EU budget will only be achieved through genuine Own Resources in the form of surtaxes or tax shares linked to income and consumption.