Community sponsorship schemes under the new pact on migration and asylum: A common EU approach?
The number of people in the world who have been forcibly displaced inside or outside their home country has risen significantly in recent years, as reflected in the unprecedented numbers of refugees and irregular migrants arriving in the EU since 2015. This highlights an urgent need to ensure organised, legal and safe pathways to protect migrants who embark on dangerous journeys and attempt to enter countries of destination irregularly, or find themselves in protracted refugee situations. A potential ...
Russia's war on Ukraine: Forcibly displaced Ukrainian children
The invasion of Ukraine enters its 4th year in 2025, resulting in further displacement. On 17 March 2023, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, Russian Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights. The pair are accused of the 'war crime of unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation'. ...
Understanding EU counter-terrorism policy
Faced with a persistent terrorist threat, the European Union (EU) is playing an increasingly ambitious role in counter-terrorism. While primary responsibility for combating crime and ensuring security lies with the Member States, the EU provides cooperation, coordination and (to some extent) harmonisation, as well as financial support, to address this borderless phenomenon. Moreover, awareness of the connection between development and stability, as well as between internal and external security, ...
Proposal for a Regulation on police cooperation to counter migrant smuggling and human trafficking: Targeted substitute impact assessment
As part of a package to address migrant smuggling, on 28 November 2023 the European Commission proposed a regulation to strengthen police cooperation and Europol's role in the fight against migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings (COM(2023) 754). The proposal was not supported by an impact assessment. Following a request by the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), this study presents a targeted substitute impact assessment of the proposed ...
EU digital travel application
This briefing provides an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's impact assessment (IA) accompanying the proposal to establish an application for the electronic submission of travel data ('EU digital travel application') and amending Regulations (EU) 2016/399, (EU) 2018/1726 and (EC) No 2252/2004 as regards the use of digital travel credentials, and the proposal on the issuance of and technical standards for digital travel credentials based on identity cards ...
Hate speech and hate crime targeting LGBTI people
Hate speech and hate crime are incompatible with the European Union's common values and fundamental rights, as enshrined in the European Union (EU) Treaties and in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. EU law criminalises hate speech and hate crime, but only if it is related to a limited set of characteristics, namely: race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin. Legislative developments, case-law and policy initiatives have helped to create more equal and welcoming societies – including ...
Implementation of the EU pact on migration and asylum
Over the past decade, the EU's asylum and migration systems have been severely tested by several major events, including the 2015-2016 migrant crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic and recent tensions at the EU's eastern border. To address these challenges, in 2020 the European Commission proposed a pact on migration and asylum, a comprehensive legislative framework designed to streamline and harmonise the reception of asylum seekers in the EU. The pact was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council ...
Europol: The EU law enforcement cooperation agency
Evolving from informal police cooperation in the 1970s to a fully fledged European Union (EU) agency, Europol has seen its mandate continuously strengthened in recent years. In 2016, the agency was given a new legal basis (Regulation (EU) 2016/794), which strengthened Europol's data management and protection rules and provided for enhanced scrutiny: (i) political scrutiny – by a new parliamentary oversight body made up of representatives of the European Parliament and Member States' national parliaments ...
Measuring irregular migration and returns in the EU
Irregular migration is hard to define and to measure. Several EU datasets provide indications of a range of aspects of irregular migration, such as attempted irregular crossings of EU external borders, detected irregular stays, loss of regular status and removals of irregular migrants. However, these datasets are often incomplete, inconsistent, and insufficient to capture the complex issues of irregular migration and return. Despite its shortcomings, data on irregular migration is highly consequential ...
The gender dimension of asylum claims
In recent years, the European Union has faced a significant number of asylum applications, with over 513 000 applications received in the first half of 2024 alone. Women and girls make up a substantial proportion of asylum seekers, with one in three asylum-seekers being female. In international law, the 1951 Geneva Refugee Convention is the main instrument regulating asylum. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Istanbul Convention provide a framework ...