EU economic developments and projections
This briefing provides a summary of the recent economic developments in the EU Member States and gives an overview of relevant economic projections forecasted by major international and EU institutions. Annex 1 includes latest GDP data and forecasts for all EU Member States and Annex 2 the latest inflation data and developments.
European marine fishing areas: The Black Sea
The Black Sea's natural characteristics, its isolated position and the high percentage of waters where no life is possible, make it a unique and vulnerable place. Fisheries in the region face a number of challenges, including environmental issues such as pollution, over-exploitation, eutrophication, invasive species and climate change, that are linked directly to the sector's sustainability. The EU fleet comprises Bulgarian and Romanian vessels and is small compared with the other fleets in the region ...
Understanding EU counter-terrorism policy
Faced with a persistent terrorist threat, the European Union (EU) is playing an increasingly ambitious role in counter-terrorism. While primary responsibility for combating crime and ensuring security lies with the Member States, the EU provides cooperation, coordination and (to some extent) harmonisation, as well as financial support, to address this borderless phenomenon. Moreover, awareness of the connection between development and stability, as well as between internal and external security, ...
Renewable and low-carbon hydrogen: State of play and outlook
Hydrogen is a feedstock used in the petrochemical industry and can also serve as an energy carrier. Currently, 96 % of hydrogen in the EU is produced from natural gas, a process that emits considerable amounts of CO2. When the CO2 is captured and stored, it is known as low-carbon hydrogen. Another technology for producing hydrogen is water electrolysis, which breaks water down into hydrogen and oxygen. If electrolysis is powered by renewable electricity, there are no CO2 emissions, and the hydrogen ...
The right to petition the European Parliament
The right to petition the European Parliament was formally set out in the Maastricht Treaty as one of the rights of European Union citizenship. Parliament's predecessors, from the beginnings of the Communities in the 1950s, had already recognised the importance of receiving petitions from citizens, and this has become a major expression of Parliament's role as the direct representative of EU citizens. The European Parliament's practice is based on those of national parliaments, but is often more ...
Gender-responsive budgeting: State of play and opportunities for the European Parliament's 10th term
Gender-responsive budgeting is a practical tool that can be applied systematically throughout the budgetary cycle to ensure that resources are distributed equitably and that spending supports gender equality. As well as helping to ensure that budgets deliver maximum value for citizens, gender-responsive budgeting supports other policy objectives connected with efficiency, transparency and accountability. Under the Treaties, the EU has an obligation to promote gender equality and a firm basis to use ...
Problems presented by third-country e-commerce
Online commerce is a defining feature of the modern world. It opens up opportunities for consumers and businesses alike. For consumers, it can mean a wider choice of goods and services at cheaper prices. For business, it offers new ways to reach larger markets. The borderless nature of online commerce means that, today, such opportunities within the EU are also open to businesses from elsewhere, and this phenomenon has been on the rise in recent years. Many consumers are familiar now with the advantages ...
EU digital travel application
This briefing provides an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's impact assessment (IA) accompanying the proposal to establish an application for the electronic submission of travel data ('EU digital travel application') and amending Regulations (EU) 2016/399, (EU) 2018/1726 and (EC) No 2252/2004 as regards the use of digital travel credentials, and the proposal on the issuance of and technical standards for digital travel credentials based on identity cards ...
Filling the gap: The EU's fight against VAT fraud
Value added tax (VAT) is a crucial revenue stream for both EU and national budgets. However, substantial losses resulting from domestic and cross-border VAT fraud make its enforcement an essential priority amid growing financial demands. Fraudsters, who are regularly part of organised criminal networks, exploit weaknesses in the VAT system, causing government revenue losses worth billions of euros. Over the years, the EU and its Member States have taken a variety of measures to close VAT loopholes ...
Hate speech and hate crime targeting LGBTI people
Hate speech and hate crime are incompatible with the European Union's common values and fundamental rights, as enshrined in the European Union (EU) Treaties and in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. EU law criminalises hate speech and hate crime, but only if it is related to a limited set of characteristics, namely: race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin. Legislative developments, case-law and policy initiatives have helped to create more equal and welcoming societies – including ...