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The First Treaties

EU Fact Sheets 01-10-2017

The disastrous effects of the Second World War and the constant threat of an East-West confrontation meant that the Franco-German reconciliation had become a top priority. The decision to pool the coal and steel industries of six European countries, brought into force by the Treaty of Paris in 1951, marked the first step towards European integration. The Treaties of Rome of 1957 strengthened the foundations of this integration and the notion of a common future for the six European countries involved ...

The ECSC Treaty, which was concluded for a period of 50 years from its entry into force, expired on 23 July 2002. Accordingly, in the run-up to its expiry, and in view of the benefits which the coal and steel sectors derived from the ECSC research and technological development programmes, the European Council, in the resolution on growth and employment which it adopted in Amsterdam on 16 and 17 June 1997, determined that revenues from reserves outstanding at the expiry of the Treaty should be used ...

This study is the first part of a series which will analyse inter-institutional relations in the budgetary domain, with a particular focus on the evolution of the role of the European Parliament. The ECSC and its budget was a very interesting case with its specific features – autonomy of the executive, a fiscal mechanism, and the capacity to contract loans and lend money. Was this approach successful? Why were these mechanisms not replicated in the European Community? To what extent did the struggles ...