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Under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), Lithuania's national recovery and resilience plan (NRRP) had an initial value of €2 224 million. In June 2022, Lithuania's grant allocation was revised downwards to €2 100 million (- 5.6 %). In October 2023, however, Lithuania submitted a request to amend its NRRP, which includes an additional grant allocation of €193.7 million for a new REPowerEU chapter and a loan request worth €1 551.7 million. Lithuania also requested to transfer a portion of ...

The Lithuanian national audit office, the Valstybes Kontrole, performs three different functions: (1) it audits the state and all public institutions as the country’s supereme audit institution as well as (2) all use of European funds as its audit authority. In addition, (3) it monitors the soundness of the Lithuianian budget from a fiscal point of view, including the country’s compliance with the EU’s Maastricht criteria (independent fiscal institution).

On 1 December 2021, the Commission proposed a Council decision on emergency measures to help Latvia, Lithuania and Poland face the complex migratory situation at their respective borders with Belarus. The measures provide for an extension of the registration period for asylum applications; the application of the border asylum procedure to process all asylum claims; reception conditions covering only basic needs; and simplified and quicker national return procedures for rejected asylum-seekers. The ...

The EU's binding climate and energy legislation for 2030 requires Member States to adopt national energy and climate plans (NECPs) for the 2021-2030 period. In October 2020, the European Commission published an assessment for each NECP. Lithuania finalised its NECP in December 2019. Lithuania generates 0.55 % of the EU's total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and has reduced emissions at a slower pace than the EU average since 2005. Most economic sectors showed emissions reductions in the 2005-2019 ...

This study assesses the implementation of the EU fisheries control system under the current Regulation (EC) No 1244/2009. It focuses on the infringement procedures, sanctions and the application of the point system for serious infringements by Member States from 2014 to 2019. The research shows results based on interviews and survey replies by 17 out of 22 coastal Member States. And it presents case studies for the following seven countries: Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania and ...

With the virulence of the coronavirus pandemic gradually diminishing, and in the light of the restrictive measures adopted by Member States, attention remains on the way chosen by the various states to respond to the crisis. With states at various stages of relaxing emergency constraints, the effects of the coronavirus pandemic are likely to last in terms of health, economic, social, psychological and possibly even political impact. Although public attention is now turned towards the widely differing ...

This note by Policy Department A gives a summary of the study "Precarious employment in Europe: Country cases". The study contains the results of eight country reviews carried out in the framework of the European Parliament study on Precarious Employment in Europe: Patterns, trends and policy strategies. The featured countries are Denmark, France, Germany, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

This briefing gives an overview of the recent European Commission (COM) assessments of five Member States (Spain. Portugal, Italy, Lithuania and Austria) whose 2016 Draft Budgetary Plans (DBPs) were considered to be “at risk of non-compliance” with the current obligations under the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP). This briefing will be updated as further assessments by the COM become available.

Thirty years after the Chernobyl accident in neighbouring Ukraine, Belarus is building its first nuclear power plant (NPP). The first unit is set to become operational in 2018 with Russian assistance. However, as the project advances, safety concerns are mounting.

This study analysed the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy’s role in creating rural jobs. Starting at the EU level, a thorough systematic literature review and a statistical analysis prepare the ground for more detailed Member Stare reviews and Case studies. When discussing the findings the study concludes that the CAP supports the survival of small scale farms and contributes to sustain and develop rural economies. However, Pillar I payments have contradictory effects on employment and its ability ...