Actos pasados
A delegation of seven INTA Members will travel to Geneva to participate to the WTO Public Forum between 10 and 12 September. INTA Members will meet with Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the WTO to discuss the state of world trade and the prospects for trade policy in the aftermath of the 13th Ministerial Conference which took place earlier this year (MC13).
Ms Catherine De Bolle, the Europol Executive Director since 2018, has presented to LIBE Committee Members the Agency and its current activities, as well as the recent Europol report on criminal networks in the EU. This report delves into the inner workings of the criminal networks that pose the highest threat to the EU’s security.
What is the EU doing to step up its defence and to promote peace?
You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Suzana Anghel, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.
Please just drop in! No registration is required.
What is the EU doing on European political parties and the European Council?
You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Ralf Drachenberg, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.
Please just drop in! No registration is required.
What is the EU doing on EU climate action?
You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Henrique Andre Morgado Simoes, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.
Please just drop in! No registration is required.
What is the EU doing to safeguard the mental health of its citizens?
You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Virginia Mahieu, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.
Please just drop in! No registration is required.
What is the EU doing for 'Climate Refugees'?
You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Joanna Apap, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.
Please just drop in! No registration is required.
En el artículo 193 del Reglamento se permite a las comisiones organizar audiencias de expertos cuando lo consideren indispensable para la buena marcha de sus trabajos sobre un asunto determinado. Las audiencias también pueden celebrarlas dos o más comisiones de forma conjunta. La mayor parte de las comisiones organizan audiencias con regularidad, ya que estos actos les permiten oír a expertos e intercambiar puntos de vista sobre asuntos clave. En esta página se ofrece toda la información disponible sobre las audiencias de las comisiones, incluidos sus programas, sus carteles anunciadores y las intervenciones de los oradores.
Los talleres son organizados por los departamentos temáticos y la Unidad de Prospectiva Científica (STOA) y gestionados de conformidad con el Reglamento Financiero. No se celebran necesariamente en público, pero pueden celebrarse durante una reunión de comisión.
Mesas redondas sobre políticas y charlas sobre libros del EPRS
Mesas redondas sobre políticas y charlas sobre libros del EPRS
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