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A mathematical formula for determining the EP composition

Análisis en profundidad 13-02-2024

This briefing, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee, provides proposals for a formula for an allocation system for the future distribution of EP seats among the member states that is in line with the distribution criteria as laid down in Article 14(2) TEU and allows for a distribution of seats that is objective, fair, durable and transparent.

This note describes the treaty provisions and appointment procedure for ECA members at EU level. In addition, it provides information on the national nomination procedure for the ECA member in Italy and the country’s candidate.

En este estudio, encargado por la Comisión de Control Presupuestario (CONT) del Parlamento Europeo, se examina si las instituciones de la Unión aplican la debida diligencia en materia de derechos humanos y sostenibilidad en la adquisición de bienes y servicios. Sobre la base de análisis documentales y entrevistas, este estudio concluye que las adquisiciones realizadas por el Parlamento Europeo, la Comisión Europea y las agencias de la Unión carecen de la debida diligencia en materia de sostenibilidad ...

The digital transformation is making the EU institutions and administration more vulnerable to cyber-threats and incidents. Their number has surged dramatically in recent years: there were as many incidents during the first half of 2021 as in the whole of 2020, for instance. Yet an analysis of 20 Union institutions, bodies and agencies showed that their governance, preparedness, cybersecurity capability and maturity vary substantially, weakening the system. This proposal for a regulation would establish ...

In order to provide the Members of the Budgetary Control Committee with reliable information and data on the COVID-19 response of the EU public administration, the study analyses the EU institutions’ response, their business continuity measures and their impact on the budget from 2020 onwards and staff of the respective institution. Furthermore, the study provides an overview of practices and challenges around the new working modalities EU institutions are adopting for the post-pandemic future, as ...

The Management Boards of the EU decentralised agencies have a key role in ensuring the agencies’ good governance. This study examines the established practices of the Management Boards. In particular, it assesses how effective and efficient the Boards’ working methods are and the main factors affecting their performance. The study investigates key governance issues including the size and composition of the Boards, the representation of different interests, the decision-making rules, the effectiveness ...

En el presente estudio, encargado por el Departamento Temático de Derechos de los Ciudadanos y Asuntos Constitucionales del Parlamento Europeo a solicitud de la Comisión de Peticiones, se evalúa la situación del derecho de petición diez años después de la inclusión del principio de democracia participativa en los Tratados de la UE. Tras contextualizar el derecho de petición dentro de la infraestructura participativa general de la UE, se ofrece una serie de recomendaciones dirigidas a explotar su ...

This study was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI Committee. It presents an analysis of the EU right to petition, as a key element of participatory democracy, and its procedure with a focus on the cooperation between the Committee on Petitions and the Commission. It examines the procedures to deal with petitions and infringements of EU law, in particular EU environmental law. It provides an overview ...

One of the key lessons learned from the financial crisis in 2007-2008 is that in order to reduce the direct and indirect costs of bank failures for national governments, one has to have a credible framework in place to deal with banks’ failures, including clear rules as to the allocation of losses and the conditions attached to the use of common resources, to provide strong incentives for taking measures of precaution in good times and minimise losses in times of crisis. To that end, Europe has put ...

This in-depth analysis introduces the challenges that have been faced in delivering a discharge of the Council’s budget over the last decade, with particular regard to the Council’s executive activities. It analyses the institutional and legal constraints, and it makes a number of recommendations for how to achieve more accountability regarding the Council’s budget and executive expenditure without resorting to treaty reform.