

Mostrando 10 de 23 resultados

How language skills make a difference

De un vistazo 28-04-2023

The EU currently has 24 official languages, but the European linguistic landscape is much broader, including a number of regional and minority languages and those introduced by migrant populations. Respecting linguistic diversity is one of the EU's core principles, and supporting language learning has been a constant EU priority. Promoting language learning is also key to achieving a European education area by 2025, with quality education for all. To support this vision, the EU advocates that young ...

El presente documento es la síntesis del estudio sobre la Iniciativa «Universidades Europeas»: primeras lecciones, principales desafíos y perspectivas. El estudio completo, que está disponible en inglés, puede descargarse en el siguiente enlace: bit.ly/3XF2KUX.

This At a glance note summarises the study on The European Schools system: State of Play, Challenges and Perspectives. The study examines the progress that the European Schools System has made during the past decade and overviews its state of affairs as of 2022. The educational dimension of the study focuses on questions related to teaching and learning, while the operational one concentrates on the administrative and managerial sides of the system. The study pinpoints the key challenges that the ...

This analysis looks at statistics on perpetuated disadvantage in education and training, and studies a number of contributing factors by looking at evidence from case studies and other research that investigates the development of educational systems. It also analyses the extent to which reforms have been possible and the complex reasons behind them. Finally, it looks at the role of support and cooperation provided at EU level and the position of the European Parliament favouring a lifelong learning ...

The study demonstrates that the COVID-19 pandemic posed unprecedented challenges to the education and youth sector, revealing the lack of preparedness, as well as reinforcing structural weaknesses of education delivery. Recommendations are proposed for a robust action at the EU level to foster more resilient education and youth sector in Europe.

El presente estudio realiza una primera valoración de la resiliencia de los sistemas educativos de los Estados miembros de la UE y de los programas de educación y juventud de la UE, en el contexto de la crisis de la COVID-19. El estudio analiza las medidas de respuesta y las mejores prácticas que se adoptaron en el ámbito de las políticas de educación y de trabajo con jóvenes a lo largo de la primera y la segunda ola de la pandemia, y proporciona conocimientos que ayudarán a construir sistemas educativos ...

Conclusions and policy recommendations Against this backdrop, the study proposes a series of 9 policy recommendations: 1) Set up a concrete implementation strategy and draw up a comprehensive evaluation framework, in line with the UN’s sustainable development goal 4 on education, in order to monitor progress and identify shortcomings in the implementation of EEA initiatives.

La creación de un Espacio Europeo de Educación (EEE) de aquí a 2025 figura entre los objetivos clave de las políticas educativas europeas y se considera tanto un motor para el crecimiento económico y la cohesión social como un medio para fomentar un sentimiento de pertenencia a Europa.

EU cooperation with Greenland

Briefing 11-04-2019

The overall aim of the European Union-Greenland Partnership Agreement is to boost ties and cooperation between the EU and Greenland, with education and training as one of several key areas of cooperation. As part of the partnership, and taking Greenland's needs into account, the focal point of EU-Greenland financial cooperation is education and training, with a special emphasis on boosting the pre-school and elementary school system, as well as on providing support for vocational education and post-elementary ...

This study analyses the policy developments since the Commission’s 2011 agenda for the modernisation of Europe’s higher education systems and assess the developments against the aims of the agenda. Second, it summarises most important achievements, shortcomings and challenges, to assess the effectiveness of the policy measures taken to reach the objectives set out in the 2011 agenda. Third, it assesses the renewed EU agenda in the light of these achievements, shortcomings and challenges and its renewed ...