

Mostrando 10 de 17 resultados

El Departamento Temático A proporciona asesoramiento de gran calidad, análisis actualizados y estudios independientes a las comisiones a las que apoya, a saber, ECON, EMPL, ENVI, ITRE e IMCO. El presente folleto se centra en los servicios que el Departamento Temático ofrece a la Comisión ENVI.

Air quality monitoring at fixed sites is a major instrument provided for in the Ambient Air Quality Directive to check compliance with limit or target values, which have been set for the protection of human health. This study analyses the criteria for the location of monitoring sites in five Member States to identify ambiguous provisions that might lead to different assessments of air pollution exposure.

In view of the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP24) under the United Nations Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC) in Katowice, Poland, in December 2018, the study by Neier et al. 2018 provides an overview of the current state of play of International Climate Negotiations. While it introduces the UNFCCC, its bodies and key terms, as well as milestones and key players in international climate negotiations, it summarises the negotiation process under the UNFCCC, related international developments as ...

La política medioambiental europea se basa en los principios de cautela, prevención, corrección de la contaminación en su fuente y «quien contamina paga». Los programas de acción plurianuales en materia de medio ambiente fijan el marco de las acciones futuras en todos los ámbitos de la política de medio ambiente. Se integran en estrategias horizontales y se tienen en cuenta en las negociaciones internacionales en materia de medio ambiente. Además, su aplicación es esencial.

La contaminación atmosférica y acústica

Fichas temáticas sobre la EU 01-11-2017

La contaminación atmosférica perjudica a nuestra salud y al medio ambiente. Procede principalmente de la industria, el transporte, la producción de energía y la agricultura. La estrategia de la Unión en materia de calidad del aire persigue el pleno cumplimiento de la legislación vigente sobre la calidad del aire para 2020 y fija objetivos a largo plazo para 2030. La Directiva sobre el ruido ambiental contribuye a determinar los niveles de ruido en el interior de la Unión y a adoptar las medidas necesarias ...

El cambio climático y el medio ambiente

Fichas temáticas sobre la EU 01-11-2017

En la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Clima celebrada en París en diciembre de 2015, Partes de todo el mundo acordaron limitar el calentamiento global muy por debajo de 2 °C con respecto a los niveles preindustriales. La Unión se compromete a reducir, hasta 2030, las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero al menos un 40 % respecto a los niveles de 1990, a mejorar la eficiencia energética en un 27 % y a aumentar el porcentaje de las energías renovables hasta alcanzar el 27 % del consumo ...

This study was commissioned by Policy Department A at the request of the committee of inquiry into emission measurements in the automotive sector (EMIS). It provides a comparative study on the differences between the EU and US legislation on emissions in the automotive sector, covering the emissions standards themselves; the systems for their implementation and enforcement, including approval systems for vehicles; and the respective regimes for prohibiting the use of defeat devices.

This study looks at the discrepancy in NOx emissions between type-approval tests and real-world driving. It examines the legal stakeholder obligations with regard to emission measurements in the European type-approval process and offers insights into the practical implementation of type-approval procedures throughout the EU. This study was provided by Policy Department A at the request of the Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurements in the Automotive Sector (EMIS).

Study in focus: The study summarises the developments leading to the adoption of the Paris Agreement on climate change in 2015 and provides an overview of its contents. The further implementation process and the roles of the main Parties and other stakeholders are discussed, as well as related international developments and the challenges of the climate change conference in Marrakesh (COP 22) from 7 to 18 November 2016.

Exposure to elevated air pollution levels has substantial negative impacts on human health and the environment. The main pollutants are particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3). The Ambient Air Quality Directive therefore sets limit and target values for the concentration of air pollutants. Thresholds for particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide are exceeded in several Member States.