

Mostrando 10 de 10 resultados

This study analyses recent developments in data related practice, law and policy as well as the current legal framework for data access, sharing, and use in the European Union. The study identifies particular issues of concern and highlights respective need for action. On this basis, the study evaluates the Commission’s proposal for a Data Act. The study is commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee ...

In 2017, 25 300 people died in road accidents in Europe, while about a million were injured. Ms Róża THUN (MEP), the Chair of Digital Single Market Working Group of the IMCO Committee and the Rapporteur for the regulation on the “Type-approval requirements for motor vehicles as regards their general safety and the protection of vehicle occupants and vulnerable road users”, chaired this expert workshop in order to explore how technological means, including artificial intelligence, can reduce the number ...

The European Commission has evaluated existing EU legislation on passenger ship safety and presented three proposals for directives, aimed at simplifying rules and cutting administrative costs, while at the same time making sea travel safer. This proposal sought to amend the requirements set by Directive 98/41/EC for counting and registering passengers and crew on board passenger ships, and to remove any overlap in reporting obligations or disproportionate requirements. The main change introduced ...

Si bien las aguas de la Unión figuran entre las más seguras del mundo para los viajeros, cuando se produce una emergencia las autoridades encargadas de la búsqueda y el salvamento han de saber inmediatamente el número de personas desaparecidas. A tal fin, la Comisión Europea propuso que se digitalizase el registro de los pasajeros a bordo de los buques procedentes de puertos de la Unión y con destino a ellos. La propuesta forma parte de una revisión más amplia de la legislación de la Unión sobre ...

This study examines the technical feasibility and financial soundness of the Commission legislative proposals to establish a EU Entry/Exit System (EES) and EU Registered Traveller Programme (RTP) for the external borders of the Union. It puts the impact assessment documents accompanying the proposals in comparative perspectives with likeminded initiatives in third countries (USVIST), at the national level in the EU (UK border checks and e-Borders), and with past European initiatives (SIS II, VIS) ...

A la luz de las recientes revelaciones sobre PRISM, esta nota informativa analiza las repercusiones de los programas de vigilancia de los Estados Unidos sobre los derechos de los ciudadanos europeos. La nota examina el alcance de la vigilancia que puede llevarse a cabo a tenor de la Ley de Enmiendas a la Ley de Vigilancia a la Inteligencia Extranjera (FISA, por sus siglas en inglés) de los Estados Unidos, aprobada en 2008, y las prácticas asociadas de las autoridades de los Estados Unidos que tienen ...

Cloud computing: a potential job boost

De un vistazo 08-11-2012

The European Commission published its strategy on cloud computing on 27 September 2012. It predicts annual gains of €160 billion to EU GDP and the creation of 2.5 million new jobs by 2020, if the strategy is fully implemented. However, a number of obstacles could slow down progress.

Computación en nube

Estudio 14-05-2012

La computación en nube es un nuevo modelo de computación que podría aportar ventajas importantes a los consumidores, las empresas y las administraciones, aunque también plantea nuevos riesgos y retos. Este estudio ofrece una visión global de la computación en nube y la relación que ésta guarda con la protección del consumidor en la UE y los objetivos del mercado único digital de la UE. Asimismo, demuestra que la computación en nube podría producir ahorro y facilitar servicios innovadores en línea ...

This study investigates the interplay between Internet innovation and privacy. We propose working definitions of innovation and privacy and review the literature about their interaction. We interpret the possible tensions and problems in terms of market and system failures and analyse the relevant legal and policy aspects in relation to examples of privacy invasion and/or protection by innovating companies. Using a four issue framework we analyse relevant case studies such as cloud computing and ...

The purpose of this deliverable is to provide insight into real life experiences with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), draw a future scenario, and formulate challenges for this rapidly emerging technology.