

Mostrando 10 de 14 resultados

Ahead of the 2024 European elections, the European Commission has presented a proposal to amend Regulation 1141/2014 governing the statute and funding of European political parties (EUPPs) and foundations. The proposed amendments concern, inter alia, the funding provisions, transparency requirements and enforcement of the rules. This briefing examines the quality of the supporting impact assessment (IA), which outlines the problems encountered in applying the regulation, as identified in recent EU-level ...

Durante su primer período parcial de sesiones de marzo de 2022, el Parlamento tiene previsto votar un informe de propia iniciativa de la Comisión de Libertades Civiles, Justicia y Asuntos de Interior (LIBE) en el que se aboga por nuevas medidas para proteger e impulsar la participación de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC) en la vida democrática de la Unión Europea. El informe reconoce la contribución de las OSC a la hora de promocionar los valores de la UE consagrados en el artículo 2 ...

Durante el período parcial de sesiones de noviembre I, el Parlamento votará un informe de ejecución relativo al Reglamento sobre el estatuto y la financiación de los partidos políticos europeos y las fundaciones políticas europeas. El Parlamento debe informar sobre la aplicación del Reglamento y proponer modificaciones, cuando proceda, a más tardar el 31 de diciembre de 2021, y posteriormente cada cinco años. La Comisión también debe presentar un informe de ejecución paralelo y una propuesta legislativa ...

On 13 September 2017, the European Commission adopted a proposal to amend the rules on the statute and funding of European political parties and European political foundations. The proposal aimed to revise the existing, 2014, regulation ahead of the 2019 European elections, to address specific loopholes. The limited number of proposed amendments focus on providing more transparency, improving democratic legitimacy and strengthening enforcement. However, a more thorough revision will be considered ...

Los partidos políticos europeos y las fundaciones políticas europeas están regulados actualmente por un reglamento de la Unión de 2014 que establece los partidos políticos europeos como entidades jurídicas y les permite acceder a financiación a cargo del presupuesto de la Unión. En septiembre de 2017, la Comisión Europea adoptó una propuesta de modificación del Reglamento existente para abordar algunas deficiencias antes de las elecciones europeas de 2019. El Parlamento Europeo tiene previsto someter ...

In 2011, following the outbreak of protests – known as the Jasmine Revolution – which toppled President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's regime, Tunisia embarked on a path to democratic transition and socio-economic transformation, emulating the reforms and governance practices of established liberal democracies. Nearly eight years on, the country has made significant progress, including in the social sphere, and has emerged as a regional leader in institutional reform. However, to avoid jeopardising the ...

Peru: Human rights situation

De un vistazo 14-02-2017

Although Peru has ratified most international human rights instruments, there remain some serious problems, such as violent repression of civil demonstrations, attacks on journalists, corruption and impunity, and even torture. However, significant measures have been taken to tackle violence against women and sexual minorities.

Organised civil society in Russia

De un vistazo 30-06-2015

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently described civil society organisations as 'indispensable partners of the state' in providing social services and building a modern economy. However, Russian NGOs lack public support; in addition, their independence is being steadily undermined by repressive new laws and growing state control.

Since Vladimir Putin's return to the presidency in May 2012, several federal laws have been amended, restricting core fundamental rights in Russia. These changes have been widely criticised as an unprecedented crackdown on civil society and an attempt to create a general climate of intimidation and censorship mainly based on the protection of 'traditional values'.

Egypt - A Strategic Partner for the EU

Análisis en profundidad 22-11-2012

In the most populous Arab nation, Egypt's newly elected officials are working to recapture their country's old role of regional leader, tarnished under the previous regime. The country's political and economic potential is still constrained by the complexity of its transition from authoritarian rule to democracy. After decades of government largely influenced by the military, a new era of political leaders are seeking their political direction. These politicians— for the most part Islamists — enjoy ...