

Mostrando 10 de 34 resultados

This briefing follows up the commitments made by the commissioner since 2019.

Cada año desde 2007, el Parlamento Europeo, que es el único parlamento del mundo que concede un premio cinematográfico, da a conocer el cine europeo. A lo largo de los últimos quince años, el Premio LUX y su sucesor, el Premio del Público LUX, han contribuido a la promoción de más de cien películas, apoyando la difusión de (co)producciones europeas en un intento por superar las barreras lingüísticas y de distribución a las que se enfrenta la industria cinematográfica europea. Las películas galardonadas ...

La discriminación por motivos de origen racial y étnico sigue estando muy extendida en la Unión. La lucha contra el racismo, la xenofobia, el antisemitismo y otras formas conexas de intolerancia se basa en un marco jurídico establecido desde hace más de dos décadas. Este comprende la Directiva sobre igualdad racial y la Decisión Marco del Consejo sobre racismo y xenofobia.

The study concludes that the EU Anti-racism Action Plan 2020-2025 reflects the diversity of remedy measures identified in the specialist literature. Despite of the limited steering and monitoring within EU programmes of their contribution to the fight against racism, except for the CERV programme, there is a significant share of projects that are addressing racism related topics, also reflecting a diversity of remedy measures. There is a need for further building on existing good practices / incentives ...

The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Con anterioridad a la COVID-19, los sectores cultural y creativo (SCC) ya se caracterizaban por la fragilidad de sus estructuras organizativas y sus prácticas de trabajo. La fragmentación en la organización de las cadenas de valor, el trabajo basado en proyectos y los modelos de ingresos basados en la propiedad intelectual, que no están bien protegidos, son solo algunos elementos que contribuyen a ello.

In the EU as elsewhere in the world, the performing arts were among the first sectors to be hit by measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus, and are now among the last to reopen. As the confinement measures are relaxed, the focus now is on supporting the performing arts and finding a way to re-engage with live audiences.

The EU's cultural and creative sectors (CCS) are a European Union economic and societal asset, providing an important contribution to GDP, and shaping identity and diversity. Despite the significant contribution of the CCS to the economy and people's wellbeing, the situation of operators and workers in the sector is often precarious and their work seasonal. The outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic particularly threatens the future of artists, creators and cultural operators, who are severely impacted ...

The commissioner-designate, Mariya Gabriel, appeared before the European Parliament on 30 September 2019 to answer questions from MEPs’ in the Committees on Industry, Research and Energy and on Culture and Education. During the hearing, Ms Gabriel made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this document. These commitments refer to her portfolio, as described in the mission letter sent to her by Ursula von der Leyen, President-elect of the European Commission, including: - Education, ...

A new European agenda for culture

De un vistazo 14-01-2019

Culture can have various meanings and roles in our lives and societies. Continuous research into this subject reveals its significant contribution not only to economic growth and job creation but also to wellbeing, social cohesion and a sense of belonging. Together with culture's importance in shaping and maintaining international relations, these aspects define Europe's cultural strategy for the future.