

Mostrando 10 de 17 resultados

In December 2022, the European Commission presented two proposals to revise the rules on the collection and transfer of advance passenger information (API) data – data collected by air carriers at check-in and sent to competent authorities in the country of destination prior to take-off. One of the proposals is for a new regulation on the collection and transfer of API data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime. The proposal seeks to ...

The advance passenger information (API) system dates back to 2004, when the Council adopted Directive 2004/82/EC of 29 April 2004 on the obligation of carriers to communicate passenger data to improve border control and fight against irregular migration (the 'API Directive'). New data sharing schemes have since been developed to improve EU border control and migration management and, specifically, fight terrorism and serious crimes. Today, air carriers are required to transfer not only API but also ...

Certificado COVID digital de la UE

De un vistazo 02-06-2021

El 17 de marzo de 2021, la Comisión Europea presentó una propuesta de Reglamento para un «certificado verde digital» que facilitaría la libre circulación de los ciudadanos de la UE durante la pandemia, así como una propuesta de acompañamiento para los nacionales de terceros que se encuentren o residan legalmente en la UE. El certificado abarca las pruebas de vacunación, los resultados recientes de test para detectar la COVID 19 e información sobre la presencia de anticuerpos. Está previsto que el ...

This briefing draws on the latest available data to analyse the implementation and application of Regulation 261/2004 which introduces common rules on assistance and compensation to air passengers when their travel is disrupted. The briefing explains why the European Union enacted air passenger rights and the current state of play in terms of their enjoyment. It further sets out the current legal framework before exploring its shortcomings. Finally, it gives examples of best practice and presents ...

Si bien las aguas de la Unión figuran entre las más seguras del mundo para los viajeros, cuando se produce una emergencia las autoridades encargadas de la búsqueda y el salvamento han de saber inmediatamente el número de personas desaparecidas. A tal fin, la Comisión Europea propuso que se digitalizase el registro de los pasajeros a bordo de los buques procedentes de puertos de la Unión y con destino a ellos. La propuesta forma parte de una revisión más amplia de la legislación de la Unión sobre ...

CJEU Opinion on EU-Canada PNR agreement

De un vistazo 05-09-2017

A new agreement on the transfer of passenger name records (PNR) was signed by the EU Council and Canada in 2014, but conclusion of the agreement requires the European Parliament's consent. Consulted by Parliament, the Court of Justice of the EU held in July 2017 that the envisaged agreement needs to be revised.

Low-cost air carriers and tourism

De un vistazo 20-06-2017

The liberalisation of air transport, which resulted in the creation of new routes and new business models for airlines, in particular the development of low-cost carriers, has led to lower fares and wider access to air transport. In many countries, air transport is a catalyst for tourism development. As low-cost carriers in the EU have experienced substantial growth, serving mostly short-haul destinations, they are increasingly looking into investing into the long-haul market for their future development ...

This study defines and explores health tourism and its three main components: medical, wellness, and spa tourism. Health tourism comprises around 5% of general tourism in the EU28 and contributes approximately 0.3% to the EU economy. Health tourism has a much higher domestic share than general tourism does. Increasing the share of health tourism may reduce tourism seasonality, improve sustainability and labour quality, and may help to reduce health costs through prevention measures and decreased ...

La votación del texto de transacción sobre la propuesta de Directiva sobre PNR (registro de nombres de los pasajeros) de la UE, objeto de debate durante largo tiempo, está prevista ahora para el periodo parcial de sesiones de abril. La Directiva tiene por finalidad regular el tratamiento y la comunicación de datos del registro de nombres de los pasajeros por los Estados miembros en el marco de la lucha contra el terrorismo y los delitos graves, estableciendo al mismo tiempo una serie de salvaguardas ...

Cost of Non-Europe Reports identify the possibilities for economic or other gains and/or the realisation of a ‘public good’ through common action at EU level in specific policy areas and sectors. This report analyses the costs for citizens and business of the absence of a consolidated framework for Passenger Rights as well as the feasibility and the merits of such a consolidation in a single legislative instrument.Regulatory and practical gaps and inconsistencies in EU passenger legislation result ...