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Living in the EU: Education and Health

Lühitutvustus 30-04-2019

The European Union complements national health and education policies, in particular those with a cross-border dimension. The main responsibility for health and education, however, lies with the governments of its Member States. This combination explains the spread in government expenditure on national welfare policies among the Member States, and in particular in individual direct payments for health. In terms of the gender gap in the area, women with tertiary education still suffer employment gaps ...

This study analyses the policy developments since the Commission’s 2011 agenda for the modernisation of Europe’s higher education systems and assess the developments against the aims of the agenda. Second, it summarises most important achievements, shortcomings and challenges, to assess the effectiveness of the policy measures taken to reach the objectives set out in the 2011 agenda. Third, it assesses the renewed EU agenda in the light of these achievements, shortcomings and challenges and its renewed ...

New technologies for digital and online learning are driving changes to mainstream models of traditional education. The use of open educational resources (OERs) is growing in the EU, but digital infrastructure and access to online learning still varies widely between Member States.

This note summarises the results achieved from EU budget resources 2007-2013 devoted to policies in the field of Education.

The world of education is currently undergoing a massive transformation as a result of the digital revolution, which has created new opportunities and challenges both for governments and educational establishments. In 2013, the European Commission published a communication on innovative teaching and learning through digital technologies in the EU, to encourage high-quality education.

In the aftermath of the financial and economic crisis, Member States that requested financial assistance have sought to reduce deficits through a series of austerity measures. However research suggests that these spending cuts and tax increases may be associated with economic contraction, rising unemployment, growing inequalities and other negative social consequences. A comprehensive impact assessment of austerity measures is needed.

Käesolevas uurimuses vaadeldakse väikelaste haridust ja hoidu (VHH) käsitleva poliitika arengut kogu Euroopas. Hiljutised arengud ELi poliitikas tulemustatakse riikide tasandil poliitika arengusuundade struktuuriks ja taustaks. Käesolevas uurimuses, milles ühendatakse eri allikatest pärit olemasolevad andmed ja lisaks läbi viidud põhjalikud riigipõhised uuringud, esitatakse kvaliteetse VHH alussambad. Täiendavalt antakse käesolevas dokumendis kogu ELis põhjalikult uuritud heade tavade alusel soovitusi ...