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On 2 March 2023, Ukraine sent a request for assistance to the EU for the supply of 155 mm-calibre artillery rounds. On 20 March, the Council agreed on a three-track proposal on ammunition (delivery from existing stocks; joint procurement from industry; increasing production). Its main aim is to provide one million rounds of artillery ammunition for Ukraine up to March 2024. It is unclear whether Member States and industry will be able to deliver on time. To date, 300 000 rounds of ammunition have ...

Over the years, the EU has opened up its public procurement markets to third countries to a large degree, yet many of these countries have not granted the EU a similar privilege. This situation has been difficult to address through multilateral or bilateral trade negotiations alone. With this in mind, the European Commission proposed the creation of an international procurement instrument in 2012. The aim of this instrument is twofold: to improve the conditions under which EU businesses can compete ...

Julkiset hankintasopimukset

Faktatietoja EU:sta 01-11-2017

Hankintaviranomaisten tekemillä sopimuksilla varmistetaan rakennusurakan ja tavara- tai palveluhankinnan suorittaminen korvausta vastaan. Tällaisia yhden tai useamman talouden toimijan kanssa tehtyjä sopimuksia kutsutaan julkisiksi hankintasopimuksiksi, ja ne muodostavat merkittävän osan Euroopan unionin bruttokansantuotteesta. Kuitenkin vain pieni prosenttiosuus julkisista hankintasopimuksista on tehty muiden kuin kansallisten yritysten kanssa. Sisämarkkinoiden periaatteiden soveltaminen kyseisiin ...

India has the world's third-largest armed forces in terms of personnel numbers. However, although India was also the seventh-biggest spender on military equipment in 2014, the country has a problem of deficiency in equipment. India's defence procurement is still dominated by imports, as the domestic industry is handicapped by inefficiency. New Delhi is thus the world's largest importer of military equipment. Attempts in the past to reform the national security system have also failed.

Effective trade defence instruments are fundamental to the new EU trade policy set out in the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The proposed regulation would establish the possibility to restrict access to the European Union’s internal market in public procurement of goods and services to entities from third countries which do not provide similar access to EU firms. The European Commission aims to create leverage for the EU in trade negotiations, and so improve conditions ...