
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 54 résultats

Companies can play a key role in building a sustainable economy and society. At the same time, their global value chains can pose risks to human rights and the environment. A growing number of EU companies have taken initiatives to deploy due diligence processes, often using existing voluntary international standards on responsible business conduct. Some Member States have meanwhile started developing their own legal frameworks on corporate due diligence. In a legislative-initiative resolution adopted ...

There is ample evidence that malign foreign actors are engaging in foreign interference in the politics and democracy of the European Union (EU) and its Member States. Much of this foreign interference escapes identification or censure by exploiting loopholes in the EU’s legislative and policy acquis. This in-depth analysis identifies some of those loopholes and proposes measures to close them. An EU focal point would significantly improve the EU’s capacity to investigate and respond strategically ...

More than 8 months into Russia's war on Ukraine, there is no end in sight. The invasion has forced millions of people to flee Ukraine or seek refuge in other parts of the country, causing a European humanitarian crisis of enormous proportions. The chaos created by the conflict has increased the risk of violence and exploitation exponentially, especially for the most vulnerable people, such as those with disabilities. Estimates show that around 2.7 million people with disabilities in Ukraine face ...

This briefing follows up the commitments made by the commissioner since 2019.

In an unprecedented and unanimous reaction to Russia's war on Ukraine that began on 24 February 2022, the EU swiftly decided to make available €500 million from the European Peace Facility – followed soon after by additional financing – to fund EU military assistance and to deliver military equipment to Ukraine. For the first time in its history, the EU is now using a dedicated, although off-budget, tool to finance – but not to deliver, with that responsibility falling on Member States alone – lethal ...

Plus de deux mois après le début de l’agression de la Russie contre l’Ukraine, rien ne semble indiquer une fin de la guerre: les nouvelles font au contraire état d’une escalade du conflit et d’une multiplication des atrocités commises sur le sol ukrainien. Depuis le début de la guerre, des millions de personnes ont fui le pays ou ont été déplacées à l’intérieur des frontières de l’Ukraine, ce qui a entraîné l’une des plus graves crises humanitaires de ces dernières années en Europe. À chaque jour ...

Cette étude, commandée par le département thématique des droits des citoyens et des affaires constitutionnelles du Parlement européen à la demande de la commission LIBE, a pour objectif de fournir des informations générales sur l’éthique, la responsabilité et le contrôle de la police dans l’ensemble de l’Union. Elle montre que les outils et instruments actuels de l’Union peuvent contribuer à renforcer la responsabilité de la police. Elle met également en évidence certaines lacunes et faiblesses. ...

The future of climate migration

En bref 24-03-2022

Climate change is threatening to displace millions of people, creating new migrant flows also across borders. The EU has a leading role in reducing global warming, mitigating its effects, improving knowledge about consequences for vulnerable populations, and working with partners to build resilience. Success depends not just on adopting forward-looking strategies, but also on adequate resources and effective implementation.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has forced hundreds of thousands of people, mostly women and children, to flee the country and seek shelter in neighbouring countries. Ukraine's civilian population is being subjected to shelling and violence, while outside Ukraine's borders, the international humanitarian community has quickly mobilised to provide support. As the humanitarian situation deteriorates, children are particularly vulnerable.

On estime qu’en 2022, 274 millions de personnes auront besoin d’aide humanitaire à travers le monde, soit près de deux tiers de plus qu’en 2020. Actuellement, la durée moyenne d’une crise humanitaire dépasse neuf ans; l’aide se révèle souvent insuffisante et le droit humanitaire est trop souvent violé. La Commission européenne a proposé de nouvelles manières de collaborer avec les partenaires et les autres donateurs de la planète, afin de réagir plus rapidement aux urgences et d’apporter une aide ...