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In the short- to medium-run, non-standard monetary policy helps to stimulate the economy and stabilize financial markets. However, it is also widely acknowledged that side effects tend to materialize in the medium- to long-run. Thus, the time dimension is a crucial factor in assessing the riskiness of this policy approach. For the February 2017 session of the Monetary Dialogue, the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) of the EP has requested a set of briefings to key monetary experts ...

In the short- to medium-run, non-standard monetary policy helps to stimulate the economy and stabilize financial markets. However, it is also widely acknowledged that side effects tend to materialize in the medium- to long-run. Thus, the time dimension is a crucial factor in assessing the riskiness of this policy approach.

Money Market Funds (MMFs) are a type of collective fund that invest in short-term debt and provide financing for financial institutions, corporations and governments. During the financial crisis their liquidity and stability were challenged which prompted discussion on how to make them more shock-resistant. In 2013 the Commission proposed a regulation on MMFs aiming to improve their ability to weather stressed market conditions, mainly through establishing a capital buffer, introducing conditions ...

Fonds monétaires

En bref 20-04-2015

Les fonds monétaires sont des fonds de placement collectif investissant dans des titres de créance à court terme. Durant la crise financière, leur liquidité et leur stabilité ont été mises à l'épreuve, ce qui a incité les autorités de réglementation du monde entier à proposer des règles destinées à renforcer leur résilience en cas de crise. Le Parlement est appelé à voter sur la proposition de règlement de la Commission instaurant des règles sur les fonds monétaires au sein du marché unique.

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment (IA) accompanying its proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Money Market Funds (COM (2013) 615), which was submitted in September 2013. It analyses whether the principal criteria laid down in the Commission’s own Impact Assessment Guidelines, as well as additional factors identified by the Parliament in its Impact Assessment Handbook, ...