
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 25 résultats

This paper provides a summary of recent economic, financial and budgetary measures and developments following President Vladimir Putin’s decision of 24 February to start a military attack against Ukraine. It includes recent information relating to the EU sanctions regime, recent economic estimates and policies supporting economic and financial resilience, including the coordination of national economic and fiscal measures. It also highlights policy recommendations made in the public domain to mitigate ...

This paper provides a summary of recent economic, financial and budgetary decisions and developments following President Vladimir Putin’s decision of 24 February to start a military attack against Ukraine. It includes recent information relating to the EU sanctions regime, recent economic estimates, policies supporting economic and financial resilience, including the coordination of national economic and fiscal measures. It also highlights policy recommendations made in the public domain to mitigate ...

Since the beginning of 2021, Ukraine has struggled with Russia's attempts to further destabilise the country and intensify tensions in Europe's east, including through repetitive military build-ups along Ukraine's borders. Russia's most recent threatening troop manoeuvres, together with its unsupportable security demands, met with a united response from Western countries, making it clear that a very high price will be paid if Russia attacks Ukraine. The EU and its institutions, including the European ...

Georgia is often considered a frontrunner among Eastern Partnership countries. Despite Russia's continued de facto occupation of one-fifth of the country's territory, until recently Georgia performed relatively well in terms of political stability, pluralism and economic growth. The country is staunchly pro-Western, with aspirations to join both the EU and NATO. Like Ukraine and Moldova, Georgia signed an association agreement with the EU in 2014. The agreement envisages a free trade area, as well ...

The Abraham Accords

En bref 05-11-2020

On 15 September 2020, in a White House ceremony, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain signed the 'Abraham Accords' with Israel, normalising pre-existing relations between them that have grown stronger mainly over fears of an expansionist Iran and loss of faith in the US's role as security provider. The accords, brokered by the US, mark a diplomatic breakthrough in the Middle East, which has seen a growing number of Arab League states strengthen ties with Israel. However, the Palestinian Authority ...

La Géorgie se prépare à la tenue d’élections législatives en octobre 2020. Le parti «Rêve géorgien», au pouvoir depuis 2012, s’est efforcé de mettre en œuvre les réformes prévues dans l’accord d’association avec l’Union européenne. Toutefois, le gouvernement n’a pas mené à bien les réformes électorales qu’il avait promises et fait face à une opposition croissante. Le haut représentant (HR/VP) devrait faire une déclaration sur la Géorgie au cours de la période de session de mars I.

Six ans après le début du conflit armé dans l’est de l’Ukraine et l’annexion illégale de la péninsule de Crimée par la Russie, les résultats atteints à la suite des accords de paix de Minsk, qui avaient pour objectif de mettre fin aux combats, restent limités. Malgré les quelques progrès observés à la fin 2019 (notamment des échanges de prisonniers et de nouveaux pourparlers de paix), les combats se poursuivent dans l’est de l’Ukraine.

The June plenary session highlights were the continuation of the debate on the future of Europe with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, and the preparation of the European Council meeting of 28 and 29 June 2018. The European Commission and Council participated in discussions on, inter alia, the independence of the judiciary in Poland, humanitarian emergencies in the Mediterranean and solidarity in the EU, and the economic and monetary union package. VP/HR Federica Mogherini's statements ...

The workshop was organized on June 15, 2016 at the initiative of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) with the aim of assessing the quantitative and qualitative parameters of Russian military presence in the Eastern Partnership Countries, and its implications for European security. Dr. Anna Maria Dyner, Analyst with the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and Coordinator of PISM’s Eastern European Programme, covered Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine. Dr. Gaïdz Minassian, Senior ...

Sandwiched between Russia to the east and an expanding NATO to the west, Ukraine's relations with NATO are closely interlinked with the country's ties to Russia – and Russia's relations with NATO. Ukraine's NATO aspirations remain a key sticking point in this tense geopolitical situation. Please click here for the full publication in PDF format