
Vos résultats

Affichage 5 de 5 résultats

This paper summarises the findings and provides some further details of the replies received from a survey on the involvement of national parliaments in scrutinising the implementation of Recovery and Resilience Facility, notably the Recovery and Resilience Plans at the national level. This survey aimed to keep stock of whether and how EU national parliaments are involved in the implementation of the RRF. It was addressed directly to EU national parliament services and reflected developments in the ...

This study provides a critical analysis of the contribution of Cohesion Policy and the European Structural Investment Funds to the Digital Agenda for Europe and the Digital Single Market. Based on the analysis of past and current patterns of ESIF digital investments and selected case studies, this study shows that Cohesion Policy should concentrate where its added value is highest, i.e., on support to the formulation of effective regional digital strategies and on the promotion of partnerships between ...

The digital economy is growing at seven times the rate of the rest of the economy. The European Commission estimates that completing the digital single market could contribute €415 billion per year to Europe's economy, create 3.8 million jobs and transform public services. In addition, many future jobs will require information and communications technologies (ICT) skills, rendering the process of acquiring digital skills an imperative. The European Commission has presented several initiatives to ...

L’ère post-fait – dans laquelle les émotions l’emportent sur les preuves, tandis que la confiance dans les institutions, l’expertise et les principaux médias est en déclin – met notre écosystème d’information à rude épreuve. À une époque où l’information est de plus en plus manipulée pour des motifs économiques et idéologiques, l’accès public à des sources fiables de connaissances d’intérêt général, telles que les encyclopédies nationales en ligne, peut contribuer à renforcer notre capacité de résilience ...

The Collaborative Economy

Étude 21-12-2015

Ever since its appearance, Internet has allowed us to collaborate with other people remotely. In the 80's, email was the breakthrough that enabled exchange of digital materials. In the 90's, the World Wide Web opened collaboration on web sites. After 2000, social media and e-meeting technologies enabled face-to-face interaction with others via the Internet. New modes of collaboration, such as crowd sourcing, crowd funding, co-creation or open design are reaching mainstream use. Advances in technologies ...