
Vos résultats

Affichage 9 de 9 résultats

While the UN Human Development Index, which assesses progress in the standard of living, health and education, ranks Russia among the 'very high human development' countries, other data suggest a more nuanced reality. Russia has gone from Soviet-era egalitarianism to extremes of wealth and poverty. Economic growth during the first decade under Vladimir Putin's leadership slightly reduced the gap between rich and poor, but inequality is still higher than in most developed countries. Factors such as ...

WORKSHOP: Energy poverty

Étude 15-09-2017

This report summarises the presentations and discussions made during a workshop on ‘Energy Poverty’ organised on 9 November 2016 by Policy Department A for the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE). The invited experts provided an academic perspective on energy poverty landscapes in the European Union and presented results of two studies on energy poverty commissioned by the ITRE Committee. The presentations and proceedings of this workshop should support the ITRE Members in their evaluation ...

On 11 September 2017, Norwegian voters will be heading to the polls amid concern over weak growth, an increasingly assertive Russia, as well as the impact of Brexit on the country's economy.

Mental health problems not only exact a toll on the people affected, they also put pressure on health, economic and welfare systems. The EU is promoting mental health through various instruments. Globally, World Mental Health Day is held on 10 October each year to raise awareness.

Gross domestic product (GDP), a measure of national economic production, has come to be used as a general measure of well-being and progress in society, and as a key indicator in deciding a wide range of public policies. However GDP does not take into account non-economic factors such as social issues and the environment. In the aftermath of the crisis, the EU needs reliable, transparent and convincing measures for evaluating progress.

The EU's eastern neighbours

Briefing 13-03-2013

This Statistical Spotlight gives background for the six partner countries in the European Union’s Eastern Neighbourhood: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Using different indicators, the paper looks at the aid paid by the EU to the six countries, under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) as well as other instruments. It shows the amount paid over the whole period 2001-2011, the breakdown per year, per country and by sector for 2011, and finally, ...

This paper gives statistical background for ten partners in the South Mediterranean neighbourhood: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT, the West Bank and Gaza Strip), Syria and Tunisia. This Spotlight aims to visualise different indicators: firstly it shows the amount of aid paid by the EU institutions to the ten countries, under instruments like ENPI (European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument), ECHO (European Community Humanitarian ...

La crise économique, financière et budgétaire actuelle a un impact sur la situation des femmes sur le marché du travail et leurs conditions de vie. Il est intéressant de considérer les particularités de la situation des femmes célibataires et des femmes âgées vivant seules et sans personnes à charge, par rapport au reste de la population et aux hommes célibataires et aux hommes âgés, ainsi qu'aux femmes qui ne vivent pas seules. Outre les indicateurs habituels du marché du travail, il convient de ...

On the Social Consequences of Unemployment

Analyse approfondie 15-01-2010

The world economy presently suffers from a financial crisis. As a result, unemployment has risen considerably in many countries and it may continue to rise even further. This note attempts to explore the social consequences of unemployment. In doing so, this note concentrates on the individual level. It asks whether the social networks of unemployed individuals are affected. A further significant issue is how unemployment impinges on individual satisfaction and well-being. There is no reason to believe ...