
Vos résultats

Affichage 5 de 5 résultats

The EU currently has 24 official languages, but the European linguistic landscape is much broader, including a number of regional and minority languages and those introduced by migrant populations. Respecting linguistic diversity is one of the EU's core principles, and supporting language learning has been a constant EU priority. Promoting language learning is also key to achieving a European education area by 2025, with quality education for all. To support this vision, the EU advocates that young ...

Le présent document est la synthèse de l’étude intitulée «L’application du multilinguisme dans la politique de communication de l’Union européenne». L’intégralité de l’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:

Le yiddish, autrefois parlé par les Juifs de l’Alsace aux confins de l’Oural, s’est enrichi au contact des langues et des cultures locales en même temps qu’il a laissé sa marque sur celles-ci. Au cours du XXe siècle, il a manqué de disparaître avec la majorité de ses locuteurs, décimés notamment par la Shoah. Source d’inspiration pour de grands écrivains et musiciens, cette langue appartient à la culture populaire européenne, qu’elle contribue à élargir de manière plus générale. Les vagues migratoires ...

Following the success of the European Year of Languages (2001), the Council of Europe designated 26 September as the European Day of Languages. Since then, annual celebrations of this day have been held to promote the rich linguistic and cultural diversity of Europe. The European Parliament has consistently acted to support endangered languages and linguistic diversity in the EU, calling on the EU and the Member States to commit resources to their protection and promotion.

The unitary patent

En bref 06-12-2012

Harmonising patent law in Europe has been a constant goal since the 1960s. However significant challenges, particularly relating to languages and litigation of patent cases, have repeatedly blocked attempts. Now, 25 Member States have signed up to a compromise under enhanced cooperation. Spain and Italy abstained because of objections to the language rules.