
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 28 résultats

The highlights of the January I 2023 plenary session were debates on the conclusions of the European Council meeting of 15 December 2022 and the presentation of activities planned under the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The session opened with a ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of the single market, followed by a debate with the Council and Commission on the matter. Debates were held on the surge of respiratory infections and the shortage of medication in Europe; on ...

Right-wing extremism in the EU

Étude 20-05-2022

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, provides a discussion on the distinctive features of right-wing extremism as well as of violent actions perpetrated by right-wing extremists in the EU. It gives an overview and analysis of definitions, recent trends and responses to these actions and concludes with recommendations. In particular, the study highlights the need to develop a working ...

Depuis l’investiture de Joe Biden à la présidence des États-Unis en janvier 2021, la relation transatlantique a fait l’objet d’un considérable regain d’enthousiasme et d’activité politique. La présente étude aborde trois grandes questions du programme politique transatlantique, lequel évolue rapidement, en étudiant les potentialités qu’elles offrent pour créer, dans les faits, de nouveaux «biens communs mondiaux» pendant le mandat de Joe Biden. Sont premièrement abordées les pistes pour élaborer ...

Attempts at influencing or distorting elections in the United States and other countries, including some European Union Member States, have drawn attention to what is commonly referred to as ‘fake news’, or false news posing as factual stories. Although the phenomenon of generating misleading news stories is at least as old as the printing press, the growth of social media has led to a very significant proliferation of this phenomenon. Some outlets use deceitful headlines and content to boost readership ...

Since the Syrian conflict began in 2011, thousands of EU nationals have travelled or attempted to travel in conflict zones in Iraq and Syria to join insurgent terrorist groups, such as ISIL/Da'esh ('Islamic State'). Of those, it has been estimated that around 30 % have already returned to their home countries. The issue of foreign fighters has been high on the political agenda at both Member State and EU level for the last five years and touches upon a wide range of policies: policies related to ...

This in-depth analysis, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Special Committee on Terrorism of the European Parliament (TERR), examines the challenges pertaining to CBRN illicit trafficking that the European Union faces. Taking into account the new October 2017 CBRN Action Plan as well as existing mechanisms and solutions, it focuses on means to prevent and detect the introduction into and movement within ...

The threat posed by terrorist attacks involving chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) agents or materials is existential for both the EU as a whole and its individual Member States. Therefore the importance of creating, maintaining and effectively employing pre-emptive, preventive, timely responsive countering means is of vital for the protection of EU citizens and the maintenance of peace and security. This in-depth analysis, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Special Committee on Terrorism, outlines the threats posed by CBRN weapons, examines how well Europe is prepared for these threats and assesses where preparedness and response could be improved. It suggests that to date, terrorist attacks in Europe have largely utilised conventional weapons where medical staff are able to respond using conventional medicine ...

L’ère post-fait – dans laquelle les émotions l’emportent sur les preuves, tandis que la confiance dans les institutions, l’expertise et les principaux médias est en déclin – met notre écosystème d’information à rude épreuve. À une époque où l’information est de plus en plus manipulée pour des motifs économiques et idéologiques, l’accès public à des sources fiables de connaissances d’intérêt général, telles que les encyclopédies nationales en ligne, peut contribuer à renforcer notre capacité de résilience ...