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Affichage 10 de 47 résultats

Drawing on authoritative sources, this glossary offers an overview of common terms used in discussing situations of armed conflict.

International humanitarian law (IHL) aims to lessen the horrible effects of armed conflict by outlining states' and non-state armed groups' responsibilities during an armed conflict. The EU and its Member States are bound by these rules. As IHL only applies in wartime, compliance of common security and defence policy (CSDP) missions and operations with IHL has not yet been put to the test. Despite the possibility, according to the Treaties, for the EU to deploy peace enforcement missions, Member ...

The European Peace Facility (EPF), operational since July 2021, finances activities with military implications, and supports the armies of partner countries and EU Member States with infrastructure, training and equipment. Reacting to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, for the first time in its history the EU has now mobilised funds for the delivery by Member States of military equipment, including lethal weaponry, to assist a partner country.

La présente étude est le cinquième panorama sur la paix et la sécurité produit par le service de recherche du Parlement européen (EPRS). Cette série analyse et explique la contribution de l’Union européenne à la promotion de la paix et de la sécurité sur la scène internationale, grâce aux différentes dimensions de sa politique extérieure. La présente étude propose un panorama des questions y afférentes et un état de la situation actuelle. Elle présente tout d’abord la notion de paix et décrit la ...

The risks climate change poses to global stability and international security are becoming increasingly palpable. Today, in Europe and beyond, countries are increasingly aware of the challenges entailed by global warming and environmental degradation. The European Union has been at the forefront of raising climate concerns for over two decades. Among the sectors affected, security and defence is not spared: climate change not only acts as a threat multiplier, but also impacts capabilities and operational ...

The European Peace Facility (EPF) has been operational since 1 July 2021. This off-EU budget instrument finances operations with military implications (previously financed by the Athena mechanism and the African Peace Facility), and provides support to the EU partner countries' armies with infrastructure, training and equipment, including with lethal weapons. So far, it has funded operations in places as diverse as the Western Balkans, the Eastern Neighbourhood, in particular Ukraine, and sub-Saharan ...

Sub-Saharan Africa has become a new global hotspot for jihadist activity. Armed groups have increasingly developed strong Salafi jihadist ideologies and forged ties with jihadist movements predominantly active in the Middle East, namely Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), also known by its Arabic acronym, Da'esh. The rise of jihadist activity in the region of the Sahel, Lake Chad, the Great Lakes and the Horn of Africa, and more recently in northern Mozambique, cannot be ...

The OSCE's origins go back to 1975, when the countries in the two opposing blocs in the Cold War signed the Helsinki Final Act, enshrining principles such as territorial integrity and respect for human rights. The act was followed by a series of follow-up meetings to monitor implementation, in a process known as the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE). Following the adoption of the 1990 Paris Charter envisaging a new post-Cold War European order, in 1995 the CSCE was put on a ...

C’est avec sa politique de sécurité et de défense commune (PSDC) que l’Union européenne (UE) contribue le plus au renforcement de la paix et de la sécurité internationales. C’est sur cette politique, consacrée par le traité de Lisbonne, que repose principalement l’action commune des États membres de l’UE dans le domaine de la sécurité et de la défense. Le Parlement européen votera sur le rapport annuel 2020 relatif à la PSDC lors de sa session plénière de janvier 2021.

La présente étude thématique, la troisième de la collection «Paix et sécurité», porte sur la contribution de l’Union européenne (UE) à la résolution des conflits au Sahel, au rétablissement de la stabilité et à l’instauration de la paix dans la région. Chaque année, les études publiées dans cette collection examinent les résultats obtenus par l’Union dans le domaine de la paix et de la sécurité dans une région donnée. La présente étude fait le point sur la mobilisation de l’Union au Sahel, en particulier ...