Think Tank

Think Tank

Think Tank

Dokumenti koji pomažu u oblikovanju novog zakonodavstva EU-a

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Objavljeno 13-09-2024

The confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate before the European Parliament's committees play a vital role in informing Parliament before it decides on the proposed composition of the College of Commissioners. Ahead of the autumn 2024 hearings, Parliament has adapted the rules for the process, which will apply for the members of the second von der Leyen College. First, the Legal Affairs Committee scrutinises the declaration of interests of each Commissioner-designate. Second, each Commissioner-designate ...

The Third Plenum of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) took place in Beijing from 15 to 18 July 2024. Previous third plenums, especially the one in 1978, played central roles in the promotion of economic policies and reforms. Economic data published by China's Bureau of Statistics very shortly before the start of the Plenum paint a very sobering picture of the state of China's economy. While exports in June performed well, imports decreased in year-on-year terms, likely ...

The European Parliament has come a long way since its inception in 1951. Initially a consultative body composed of delegations of national parliaments, it has become a directly elected institution, has obtained budgetary and legislative powers, and now exercises influence over most aspects of EU affairs. Together with representatives of national governments, who sit in the Council, Parliament co-decides on European legislation, in what could be seen as a bicameral legislature at EU level. This publication ...

This study provides an overview of the Common Fisheries Policy and other EU policies in relation to Fisheries, Aquaculture, the Blue Economy and International Ocean Governance. The current and future challenges facing these are described. Strengths and weaknesses of EU policy in addressing these challenges are assessed, leading to the authors making a range of specific policy recommendations.

Objavljeno 12-09-2024

This study provides a comprehensive overview of the situation to date and forward-looking insights in the areas of European Union education and training, youth, and sport policy. It highlights the existing and potential future challenges and opportunities within each policy field and makes recommendations for addressing them.

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Za sadržaj svih dokumenata koji se nalaze na mrežnim stranicama Think Tanka odgovoran je isključivo njihov autor, a stavovi koji su u njima izneseni ne predstavljaju nužno službeno stajalište Europskog parlamenta. Dokument je namijenjen zastupnicima i osoblju EP-a za njihov rad u Parlamentu.