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At the first plenary session of March 2021, the European Parliament is set to discuss and adopt a resolution on the European Ombudsman's activities in the year 2019, based on the Ombudsman's annual report presented on 4 May 2020. The report covers the final year of Emily O'Reilly's first mandate as Ombudsman before her re election for a second term in late December 2019.

The European Commission is the executive body of the European Union. Under the Treaties, its tasks are to 'promote the general interest of the Union', without prejudice to individual Member States, to 'ensure the application of the Treaties' and adopted measures, and to 'execute the budget'. It also holds a virtual monopoly on the right of legislative initiative, alone proposing nearly all EU legislation to the European Parliament and the Council of the EU. The College of Commissioners is currently ...

This study analyses the role, organisational structure, tasks and financial and human resources of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). ACER plays an important role in the development, integration and functioning of the electricity and gas systems and markets in the EU, and its responsibilities in these domains have since its establishment in 2011 substantially increased. Although its resources have also significantly grown, ACER is facing a structural budget shortage and had ...

This briefing provides an overview of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB), its’ main features, mandate and accountability. It also includes the overview of recent review of the ESRB mission, mandate and organisation as part of the review of European System of Financial Supervision.

The European Ombudsman is a body established to ensure that maladministration in the EU institutions is addressed and where possible remedied. From the establishment of the European Ombudsman, personalities and the open-ended character of the notion of maladministration have been relevant in shaping the activity of the office. Maladministration is widely accepted to be a sphere of inappropriate behaviour of the administration that goes beyond simple illegality. The particularity of the Ombudsman ...

In November 2017, the European Parliament is set to discuss and adopt a resolution on the European Ombudsman's activities in 2016, based on the Ombudsman's annual report presented on 16 May 2017. The report covers the activities of the Ombudsman in the areas of transparency in decision-making of EU institutions and bodies, and on the principle of good administration.

Europska investicijska banka

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-11-2017

Europska investicijska banka (EIB) dugoročnim financiranjem projekata, jamstvima i savjetima unapređuje ciljeve Europske unije. Ona podupire projekte unutar i izvan EU-a. Njezini su dioničari države članice EU-a. EIB je većinski dioničar Europskog investicijskog fonda (EIF) te zajedno s njim čini Grupu EIB-a. U sklopu Plana ulaganja za Europu koji je predložila Komisija, Grupa EIB-a dio je šire strategije čiji je cilj premošćivanje velikog investicijskog jaza na način da se smanje neki od rizika ...

Revizorski sud

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-10-2017

Europski revizorski sud zadužen je za reviziju financija EU-a. Kao vanjski revizor EU-a Revizorski sud doprinosi unaprjeđivanju financijskog upravljanja EU-om i djeluje kao nezavisni zaštitnik financijskih interesa građana Unije.

Vijeće Europske unije

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-04-2017

Vijeće je institucija koja zajedno s Europskim parlamentom donosi zakonodavstvo Unije u obliku uredbi i direktiva te priprema odluke i neobvezujuće preporuke. Na područjima za koja je nadležno odluke donosi običnom većinom, kvalificiranom većinom ili jednoglasno, ovisno o pravnoj osnovi akta koji treba odobriti.

Europska komisija

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-04-2017

Komisija je institucija EU-a s isključivim pravom zakonodavne inicijative i važnim izvršnim ovlastima u područjima kao što su tržišno natjecanje i vanjska trgovina. Glavno je izvršno tijelo Europske unije, a čini je Kolegij povjerenika sastavljen od po jednog povjerenika iz svake države članice. Također predsjeda odborima nadležnima za provedbu prava EU-a. Prijašnji je sustav odbora zamijenjen novim pravnim instrumentima – provedbenim i delegiranim aktima.