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Kohezijski fond

Informativni članci o EU-u 11-04-2024

Kohezijski fond uspostavljen je 1994. i financijski podupire provedbu projekata u području okoliša i transeuropskih mreža u državama članicama čiji je bruto nacionalni dohodak po stanovniku manji od 90 % prosjeka EU-a.

Europska unija uvela je zajedničko razvrstavanje prostornih jedinica za statistiku, nazvano „NUTS”, radi lakšeg prikupljanja, obrade i objavljivanja usklađenih regionalnih statističkih podataka u Europskoj uniji. Taj se hijerarhijski sustav koristi i za socioekonomske analize regija i usmjeravanje intervencija u kontekstu kohezijske politike Europske unije.

Program PEACE PLUS za Sjevernu Irsku

Informativni članci o EU-u 11-04-2024

Svrha programa EU-a PEACE PLUS je pružiti potporu miru i pomirbi te promicati socijalnu, gospodarsku i regionalnu stabilnost i suradnju u Sjevernoj Irskoj i pograničnom području Irske.

To support its economy, provide mobility for people and goods and ensure the connectivity of all regions, while also limiting negative impacts on climate and environment, the EU has been building a multimodal transport network across its territory: the trans-European transport network (TEN T). TEN-T construction is supported by EU funding, an example of which is the dedicated Connecting Europe Facility programme. In December 2021, after evaluating progress in TEN-T implementation, the European Commission ...

This At a glance note summaries the study focusing on regional connectivity through an adequate transport infrastructure. The study provides an overview of the aspects of regional connectivity through adequate cohesion policy investments in rail and road transport infrastructures, mostly in the programming period 2014-2020. In detail, this analysis covers all types of transport-related investments (for goods and people) financed from the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund. Moreover ...

This study provides an overview of the aspects of regional connectivity through adequate cohesion policy investments in rail and road transport infrastructures, mostly in the programming period 2014-2020. In detail, this analysis covers all types of transport-related investments (for goods and people) financed from the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund. Moreover, the study provides concrete policy recommendations relevant to EU decision-makers on how to improve future EU Cohesion ...

This At a glance note summarises the study focusing on EU Cohesion Policy in the nine outermost regions. The study first outlines the geographic, climate, socio-economic, demographic and administrative characteristics of these regions and further analyses the vulnerabilities affecting their convergence processes. It pays particular attention to the implementation of EU Cohesion Policy and the use of place-based approaches to foster their economic growth. Finally, it reviews the importance of Article ...

Transeuropske mreže — smjernice

Informativni članci o EU-u 22-01-2024

Transeuropske mreže (TEN) u području prometa, energetike i telekomunikacija razvijene su kako bi se povezale regije EU-a i pridonijelo rastu unutarnjeg tržišta i zapošljavanja. Njima se jača gospodarska, socijalna i teritorijalna kohezija. Transeuropska prometna mreža (TEN-T) s vremenom se razvijala, među ostalim temeljitom reformom 2013. i velikom revizijom predloženom 2021. Smjernice za energetsku infrastrukturu (TEN-E) prilagođene su europskom zelenom planu tijekom 2022.

This study focuses on EU Cohesion Policy in the nine outermost regions. It first outlines the geographic, climate, socio-economic, demographic and administrative characteristics of these regions and further analyses the vulnerabilities affecting their convergence processes. It pays particular attention to the implementation of EU Cohesion Policy and the use of place-based approaches to foster their economic growth. Finally, it reviews the importance of Article 349 of the TFEU and concludes with recommendations ...

Financiranje transeuropskih mreža

Informativni članci o EU-u 09-01-2024

Transeuropske mreže (TEN-ovi) djelomično financira Europska unija, a djelomično države članice. Financijska sredstva EU-a služe kao katalizator, dok države članice osiguravaju najveći dio financijske potpore. Financiranje transeuropskih mreža može se dopuniti i sredstvima iz strukturnog fonda, potporom Europske investicijske banke ili doprinosima iz privatnog sektora. Instrument za povezivanje Europe (CEF) uspostavljen je 2013., a obnovljen 2021., te je njegovo uvođenje značilo veliku reformu za ...